Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up in the middle of the night lying on my back in the bed with Sansa's arm over my chest I slowly lift her arm up and put it by her side I sit on the edge of the bed and rub my eyes before looking at the fire that is slowly dying I walk up and throw an extra log on which causes the fire to build I can immediately notice a difference as the room is not as dark and it heats up, I stand up and look at my scars "can you not sleep?" I hear Sansa say as she covers herself up with the bed covers and walks to me "no" I say as Sansa traces a finger along my chest and down to my stomach I smile at her, she smiles back "get on the bed (Y/N)" she says so I sit on my side of the bed as Sansa throws the covers at me she then climbs on top of me and runs her hands from my chest down to my stomach she then lies on top of me she brings her face inches away from mine we look into each others eyes, I gently kiss her soft lips as she pins me to the bed I brush the hair out of her face "if you were going to tell me how you would you have done it?" She asks "well I would wait for a time when we were alone and I would say how I'd had these feelings since the beginning that I always admired you and how kind you are and that you were the only girl I ever had my eyes on" I say with a smile she smiles back she then sits up on my stomach and says "I'm ready (Y/N)" she says "ready for what?" I ask Not realising what she means "allow me to clarify" she says as she takes off her clothes revealing her perfect body she then grabs my hands and leads them to her chest, I keep my hands where they are as Sansa kisses me she keeps me pinned to the bed by pushing my shoulders down she lifts herself up before sitting on my waist she gasps in shock she starts breathing heavily and I take this chance to sit up I kiss her neck over and over as she leans her head back as she moves her waist in rhythm "I love you!" I say looking at her in the eyes "I...!" she says inbetween gasps as she now moves her waist faster we somehow manage to do this for another hour before falling asleep in each other's arms.

I slowly wake up to the soothing sound of Sansa's voice "(Y/N), (Y/N) there is a meeting in the hall we must attend" she says "very well just let me get dressed" I say looking up to see Sansa wearing black robes with a grey fur on top of it and her long hair held back I smile at her "what?" She asks "nothing" I reply as we walk outside and towards the hall. I walk into the hall with Sansa to see a hall full of northern men except for at the very front sits Lady Lyanna Mormont and at the table facing them all is Jon he smiles when he sees us we walk to the table and sit in the two seats next to him. The men are loud and drown the hall with the sounds of their arguing about siding with the freefolk until one man stands up and says "the Boltons are defeated. The war is over. Winter has come if the maesters are right it will be the coldest one in a thousand years we should ride home and wait out the coming storms" "the war is not over" jon says "and I promise you friends the true enemy won't wait out the storm he brings the storm" he says which causes the northerners to talk amongst themselves until Lady Mormont steps up with that single action they all go quiet as she stares them all down "Your son was butchered at the Red Wedding, Lord Manderly. But you refused the call. You swore allegiance to House Stark, Lord Glover. But in their hour of greatest need, you refused the call. And you, Lord Kerwin, your father was skinned alive by Ramsay Bolton, still, you refused the call" she says shaming those who hid during The Battle of the Bastards "But House Mormont remembers. The North remembers. We know no king but the King in the North whose name is Stark. I don't care if he's a bastard. Ned Stark's blood runs through his veins. He's my king, from this day until his last day!" she yells as she nods at Jon with a smile "is it okay that she frightens me just a little?" I say to Sansa who grins "we all are frightened of her" she jokes as we say this Lord Manderlay stands in front of everyone "Lady Mormont speaks harshly...and truly. My son died for Robb Stark the young wolf. I didn't think we'd find another king in my lifetime. I didn't commit my men to your cause...because I didn't want more Manderlays dying for nothing...but I was wrong. Jon Snow avenged The Red Wedding he is the white wolf...the King in the north!" He says as Lord Glover stands beside him "I did not fight beside you in the field of battle and I will regret that until my dying day a man can only admit when he is wrong and ask forgiveness" he says "there's nothing to forgive my lord" Jon says as Sansa and I watch "there will be more fights to come House Glover will stand behind House Stark as we have for a thousand years and I will stand behind Jon snow" he says as he draws his sword "The King in the North!" He yells as he kneels in front of Jon with that the rest of the crowd stands draws their swords and chants "THE KING IN THE NORTH!, THE KING IN THE NORTH!, THE KING IN THE NORTH!" Jon stands for the men as Sansa and I smile in admiration.

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