Scenes that I was too stupid to think of until much later

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(Y/N) pov

I wake up in bed with Sansa by my side I brush her hair away from her forehead before rolling her onto her side before getting out of the bed and putting on my clothes, I sit by the table next to the fire as Sansa tosses and turns in her sleep I scratch the back of my head then my face until I hear knocking on the door I quickly stand up and I open the door to see Jon standing there "the queen has requested your presence" he says "good morning to you too Jon" I reply before putting my cloak around my shoulders as I gently shut the door behind me "follow me" he says as he leading me to see Daenerys. Jon opens the door for me I walk in to see Daenerys sitting by a table "please (Y/N) sit" she says I look around to see no armed guards except for Jon so I sit down in the seat opposite of her she does the same then looks to Jon "Jon if you could, wait outside until I call on you" Daenerys commands "yes your grace" he says before leaving us alone "it goes without saying that we did not start off on the right foot and I get the feeling that you don't trust me" she says "you're right I don't trust you, I don't trust you being in my home" I say "your home? from what I've heard this isn't your home you aren't a child of Ned Stark" she says "Winterfell is my home! I may not be a child of Ned Stark but I fought to reclaim it as if I was" I say as anger boils up inside me "ah yes I've heard all about your efforts, leading the charge with Jon at the Battle of the Bastards, rescuing Lady Sansa from the Lannisters then the Boltons" she says "don't mention that name not here not around Sansa and not around me!" I shout "you seem to be under the idea that you have authority over me" she says "I could say the same about you" I retort. Daenerys pauses and leans back in her chair "I must admit I have some respect for you going from nothing to being in a relationship with a noble are very trusted here especially by Sansa that is why I need your help" she says "with what?" I ask already knowing the answer she leans forward and a slight grin appears on her face as she says "I would appreciate it if you persuaded her to get the northerners to support my claim for-", "for the iron throne, that's really what you are concerned for not the army of the dead marching towards us! You just care about a fucking chair! Not the lives of us I bet you wouldn't care if Jon died as long as you got to further your father's legacy and fucking burn us all!" I yell as I shoot up from my chair "how dare you! I am not my father, I am the rightful queen of the seven kingdoms and I will take what is mine with fire and blood if I must!" she yells back "wake up! Winter is here and if we allow it, it'll storm us with a blizzard so cold that the fire in your dragons lungs will freeze inside them this isn't about families any more it's about survival" I say "and once the dead are dealt with?" She asks "then you can storm Kings Landing but you will do it without my support" I say "you would openly defy me infront of the rest of the seven kingdoms." She asks "I already have, don't attempt to intimidate me...I know what you are capable of but my answer remains the same" I say "very well but remember that I know exactly what you are capable of as well" she says as if to frighten me "good, remember what I am capable of the next time you think about threatening us" I say before storming out.

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