Chapter Eight

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It is a couple of hours since I was carved into by Ramsay and now I am tied up to a chair in Lord Starks bedchamber I am right against the wall I'm plain view of the door I watch it for any sign of movement but nothing I lean my head back and I think of Sansa I hope she is okay I am worried that I might have failed my promise I helped bring her here she's here because of me my thoughts are interrupted by the door opening to reveal Sansa in a beautiful white dress "(Y/N)!" She says as she runs to my side she hugs me then notices the state I am in "what did that monster do to you?" She asks "don't worry about me" I say she looks at the blood on my chest she takes a closer look then says "is that my-", "your name, yes it is I carved it into him" Ramsay says as he walks in the door with Reek behind him "why?" Sansa asks "why? You mean he hasn't told you yet?" Ramsay says as he looks at me "told me what?" Sansa asks "(Y/N) here is in love with you he has been for some time I figured it out and thought it would be better for you both if I showed you that he is yours" Ramsay says as Sansa looks at me with tears forming in her eyes "(Y/N) is this true?" She asks "I never wanted you to find out this way" I say "I love you I've always loved you a day didn't go by where I didn't think of telling you" I say looking at the ground in shame she kneels in front of me and puts a hand on my face she mouths something that I can't quite understand but before I can try to find out what she said Ramsay interrupts "now Sansa my father tells me you're a virgin why is that you were married before?" He asks Sansa pauses before saying "Lord Tyrion was kind and caring he didn't want me to share a bed with him if I wasn't comfortable with the idea" she says "well as we are now married you know what you need to do....take off your clothes" Ramsay says as he walks round and stands behind her Theon tries to leave until Ramsay stops him "oh no you stay here Reek you watch, you and (Y/N) knew Sansa as a girl now watch her become a woman" he says I close my eyes hoping to wake up from this awful nightmare however all that happens is the room goes quiet as the sound of Sansa's dress can be heard getting torn I force myself not to look as I know what is about to happen "open your eyes (Y/N) I want you to see everything" Ramsay says I slowly open to see Sansa lying on her stomach with her back exposed "look at him Sansa this man loves you and he's going to watch as you consummate your marriage with me" he says and with that he forces himself on her I look away as I begin struggling in my chair hoping to break the bindings.

The next day I wake up still tied to the chair but I am in a smaller room and I am not alone Sansa slowly gets up from her bed "Sansa!" I say to get her attention once she sees me she jumps out and hugs me "I'm so sorry that you had to watch that (Y/N)" she says "why are you sorry I got of light compared to you" I say as I look at the bruises on her arms "I'm so glad you're alive (Y/N) when you wouldn't wake up Ramsay thought you might be dead so he put you in here with me" she says which confuses me "wouldn't wake up? What do you mean?" I ask "(Y/N) you have been unconscious for two days they had to bandage you up due to how much you were bleeding he said that once you were dead he'd carve out your heart and have it strung around my neck" she says as I look down to see bandages covering my chest "I can't imagine how painful that is" Sansa says "it's like a burning feeling constantly it will definitely scar over" I say as Sansa thinks about what I said that night "(Y/N) did you really mean what you said" she asks, I look her in the eyes before replying "yes every word" immediately after I say this Sansa pulls my face forward and kisses me, the kiss is long and passionate as if we had both wanted to do that for years the room is silent but all that can be heard is the sound of our lips connecting and all I have going through my mind is if she had felt the same way about me this whole time.

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