Chapter Twelve

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The Battle of the Bastards has just ended and we won Sansa and I are now facing each other from across the courtyard and slowly walk towards each other "told you I would come back" I say with a smile she smiles back and hugs me "where is he (Y/N)?" Sansa asks "I don't know...but Jon does" I say immediately Sansa walks off to find him I follow behind. It doesn't take long for us to find him he is looking over the corpse of Rickon "Jon...where is he?" Sansa asks Jon looks at us both then says "he's in the cells" the two of us walk towards the cells preparing to face Ramsay for the last time.

We get to the cell and we can see Ramsay tied to a chair like I was his face is still drenched in his blood Sansa and I step up to the bars and watch as he slowly wakes up he looks at us both "now this looks familiar" I say "did you enjoy your sleep Ramsay?" I say "as a matter of fact I did the bleeding nose made it a bit hard but I suppose I had that coming" he says as we go silent "you won't kill me either of you, (Y/N) you are a fighter but you aren't a killer not a real killer" he says "and neither will you Sansa I'm a part of you" he says"your name will disappear, your house will disappear all memory of you will disappear" Sansa says as low growls can be heard and entering Ramsay's cell is his two hounds they circle around him and begin to smell him "my dogs won't harm me" he says "you haven't fed them in seven days you said it yourself" Sansa replies "they are loyal beasts" he says "they were loyal now they are starving" Sansa says as the dogs continue to circle him until one bites into his jaw he screams out in pain the dogs begin tearing the skin off his face as he screams louder Sansa walks away having got her revenge but I stay behind and watch as the dogs tear his jaw off his screams stop as the dogs devour the skin off Ramsay's bones "now I have my revenge Ramsay never again will you hurt her" I say as the light fades from his eyes.

I walk out into the courtyard to look for Sansa I finally see her standing outside our door we lock eyes from across the courtyard she smiles at me then walks into the room we were given I walk through and up the stairs as I am about to enter Jon walks up to me "I'm guessing Ramsay is dead?" He asks I nod "I never did thank you for keeping my sister safe" he says "and you will never have to" I say before opening the door walking inside and closing it behind me I see Sansa looking at the fire I walk up behind her and hug onto her back "he is gone finally" she says "yes" I respond "ever since that night I have wanted him dead and now he is, now all I want now is to be alone with you my one true love" she says as she turns around to face me "I want that too if I could stay in this room with you for the rest of my days I would" I say "I love you too much for my own good" I joke before kissing Sansa, she kisses back then says "I know the feeling" as she puts her hand on my face.

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