Chapter Twenty Three

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Sansa and I stand watching Daenerys and her armies leave as the gates slowly close behind them "do you think they will win?" I ask Sansa stays silent "yes" she says "but we should prepare for all outcomes" she says " you mean if they fail?" I say "that and what if they win and she decides that she can't trust us" she says "we have openly defied her she might want to make an example"i say "we should get the defences repaired, walls reconstructed and remove the barricades" she says "I'll get a group of workers to fix the walls while I help another with dismantling the barricades" I say "alright and I will ensure that we have enough supplies to last us all for the next couple of months" Sansa says "then" she says as she looks at me "we should spend some time together...alone" she says as she puts her hands against my chest then kisses me before walking of as I walk to find workers help with repairing Winterfell.

Timeskip 4 hours  play song

After hours we have finally repaired the trenches and removed the barricades I walk into the room to see Sansa sitting on a chair by the fire I close the door and sit next to her "we haven't received word from Jon, I'm worried (Y/N)" she says I hold her hand "you have nothing to worry about Sansa you said it yourself Jon is like this he done this when he went to meet Daenerys" I say "I suppose you're right, the repairs have gone well so far we just need the walls to be reinforced" she says "and the gate" I say "and the gate" she says.  The two of us stare at each other "I was so scared when we couldn't find you (Y/N) I thought you were dead" she says "I couldn't lose Theon and you!" She says as she tears up I drop to one knee in front of her "you will never lose me Sansa I have said it before and I'll happily say it again, I love you and no psychopath, murderer, tyrant or army of dead will ever stop me from spending my life with you" I say with a smile as Sansa smiles back " I love you too (Y/N)" she  says as she puts both her hands on my face I kiss her as I put my hands on her hips I then use my strength to lift her up she wraps her arms around my neck I move away from her lips and I slowly kiss her neck she starts breathing heavily I sit on the edge of the bed as Sansa sits on top of me I quickly take of the top of my clothes as Sansa removes her dress she then pins me to the bed as I put my hands on her sides as she slowly rests on top of me as we kiss, I catch her by surprise and flip us over so that she is lying on her back.  I kiss her neck as she bites her lip I stand back and take off the rest of my clothes as she watches the two of us look at each other and smile as the sound of wood crackling from the fire grows louder I then get onto the bed and kiss her as she gasps and tilts her head back slightly and holds onto my back and wraps her legs around me as we stare into each others eyes as she moves her hips to meet mine.  We do this into the late hours of the night before falling asleep in each other's arms.

I wake up the next morning to the sound of knocking on the door I quickly put my clothes off and open the door slightly "yes?" I say looking at the maester "apologies but a raven arrived this morning for Lady Sansa from Kings Landing" he says as he hands me the letter "thank you I will see that Lady Sansa reads it" I say as I close the door I sigh and look at Sansa who seems looks so peaceful in her sleep I look at the letter and sigh "I should wake her up to read the letter" I say to myself  as I walk to her side of the bed I gently shake her "Sansa...Sansa" I whisper as she groans whilst waking up she sees me and immediately smiles she grabs my chin "morning (Y/N)" she says "sleep well?" I ask "very" she replies "a letter arrived from Kings Landing this morning" I say as I hand her the letter she sits up "Lady Sansa, I write to you to inform you that Cersei is dead Daenerys won...however at the price of innocent lives, she burnt the people of Kings Landing as they tried to flee her armies killed any soldier who was in the way, she also destroyed the Red Keep killing both Jaime and Cersei Lannister.  She then addressed her armies stating that she would rule all of the seven kingdoms and they would have no say in it until Jon Snow killed her by stabbing her in the heart.  Both Jon and I are being charged for treason and soon a raven may arrive telling you Greyworm's side of this and to come witness my trial.  Yours sincerely Tyrion Lannister" she reads out loud before looking at me in shock "what are we going to do?" I ask she pauses then says "we're going to Kings Landing" as she puts on a dress.

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