Chapter Six

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After Lyssa Arryn's death a lot happened Lord Baelish gained full control of the Vale however there has been a plan to take Sansa to the north with the Boltons where she will marry Ramsay Bolton son of Roose Bolton. I stand by the moon door arguing with Baelish "what are you planning now! Giving Sansa to Roose Bolton why?" I yell at him "Roose Bolton is Warden of the North by allying ourselves with him Sansa will be supported by the northerners if those working for the Lannisters find her they will take her to Kings Landing and have her executed but if she is backed by the Boltons then they won't want to risk open war" he replies as Sansa appears at the top of the stairs wearing a black dress and black hair "how do I look?" She asks as she approaches "beautiful" I reply with a smile she smiles back "I'm ready" she says "are you sure about this?" I ask as she looks at me she hesitates then says "yes" as we walk out the Eyrie and towards Winterfell.

After travelling for some time we finally arrive in Winterfell and meeting us there is a large army walking around the castle we dismount our horses and walk through the grounds for a minute I thought I recognised someone who was shoveling however I let it go, Lord Baelish leaves to find Roose Bolton "I don't like this Sansa something doesn't seem right" I say "I know but what other choice do we have?" She asks "join the Nights Watch?" I say "perhaps you can do that but I doubt I'd have anything else to do there other than serve as a cook" she says "then I'm coming with you" I say " I promised to protect you and be by your side and I fully intend on doing that where you go I go, if someone took you to Dorne I'd get the nearest boat I could and find you and bring you home" I say as I look into Sansa's eyes, she looks back and smiles before hugging me tightly "thank you (Y/N)" she says we go quiet and enjoy the moment until Lord Baelish interrupts "it's time Sansa" he says as she nods. As we approach the courtyard we can see two men one is older and balding "must be old Roose" I think to myself then there is a younger man around mine and Sansa's age with black hair and a small beard "and that must be Ramsay" I say Lord Baelish leads Sansa up to the two men as I stand a little further back the three of them are talking until Ramsay turns his attention to me he signals for me to approach them so I take three steps forward "what about him? Who is he" he asks "(Y/N) (L/N) former ward of Ned Stark he has been my protector, I would not have lived this long without him" Sansa says as she smiles at me "well then it is only right that he comes with us so he can be properly rewarded" Roose Bolton says "I want no reward all I need is to know that Sansa is safe" I say "very well" he says "come my Lady we will show you to your chambers until the marriage" he says "marriage?" I say as Sansa looks in shock I look at Lord Baelish "You son of a whore!" I yell as I tackle him to the ground I get four good punches against his face as he cries out for help as Sansa tries to run to my side until I am knocked over by a guard then knocked unconscious.

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