Scenes that I was too stupid to think of until much later

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(Y/N) pov

We have been in Kings Landing for some time and my duties here have included keeping Arya and Sansa from killing each other, bringing Arya back whenever she runs off and escorting Sansa from feasts with the King and Joffrey back to her chambers but today I have been told that I won't be required so to pass the time I'm sitting in my chambers reading a book about Kings, Queens, Knights and the usual nonsense but fortunately my reading is interrupted by a knock on the door I grab the handle and I swiftly open the door to see one of Lord Starks guards standing there "the hand has requested your presence in the tower" he says with a loud voice "very well I'll go just now" I answer as I shut my door and head towards the tower that Lord Stark has been trapped in due to his duties. After climbing up to the very top of the tower I finally reach Lord Stark who is sitting at his desk reading over papers I clear my throat "you wanted to see me Lord Stark" I say as I stand up straight Lord Stark looks up at me "yes (Y/N) take a seat" he says as he gestures to a small wooden armchair I drag it closer to his desk before sitting down "now listen closely to what I have to say, I have a task for you a large and very important task, as time has gone by here in Kings Landing I have had my suspicions that someone is plotting against the King I don't know who but what I do know is that they are dangerous and if anything goes wrong I want you to take Sansa and Arya back to Winterfell by an means necessary get them home and keep them safe" he says "I promise m'lord I will guard them with my life" I say trying to hide the confusion in my head "they will argue against you well Arya might Sansa will listen to you they will cry and you will need to be there can you do that?" He asks "yes m'lord" I reply "good...on another matter regarding my daughter" he says I immediately start sweating "I know that you are in love with Sansa" he says "m'lord forgive me I tried to hide it but I just can't I... I" I stutter "it is alright I have no problem with you loving her but you must understand that as much as it may pain you to hear...she is a highborn girl you are a lowborn boy it would never need to know this before anything happens because you cannot let emotion cloud your judgement you are to do what is best for the girls and that might mean leaving them behind" he says "I understand" I say "very well you may go" he says I stand up, turn and I walk away fighting back tears "(Y/N) one more thing" he calls out I turn my head to face him "you may not be my son but I am proud of you, you are going to be a great man and you will do great things" he says "thank you m'lord" I say before turning again and leaving.

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