Chapter Two

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After the loud sound of a horn blaring everyone rushes into a line I stand behind Sansa as the rest of the Stark children line up. I don't know who we are lining up for so I whisper to Jon "who is it that's causing this much fuss?" I ask "the king you idiot" Sansa says interrupting Jon I mockingly mimic her voice "the king you idiot" I say causing the other children to chuckle until Lady Stark tells us to be quiet.

I watch as the King rides in "by the gods he's fat" I think to myself as the Kings guard ride in behind him, one of them takes off their helmet showing a man in his late thirties with long hair "that's Jaime Lannister he's the Queen's twin brother" I hear Arya say as the King walks up to Lord Stark the two are clearly old friends as they are laughing and joking with each other the two eventually walk off to talk as everyone leaves to do their own thing I go to train with my sword which was a gift from Lord Stark a few people say I'm on par with Jon and Robb in sword fighting skills I however think they are much better than me I unsheathe my sword and I do a variety of strikes against the dummy but I stop when I feel like I'm being watched I turn around to see the King and Lord Stark standing there I sheathe my sword and kneel before the King he smiles "what is your name boy?" He asks in a loud voice "(Y/N) (L/N)" I reply "(L/N)? I've never heard of that name who are your parents?" He asks as Lord Stark looks at the ground "I'm afraid I don't know that, I lived with my grandparents who died of the fever" I say "I see I'm sorry to hear that" he says "thank you m'lord" I say "your skills with a sword are growing (Y/N)" Lord Stark says "thank you Lord Stark" I say before they leave to reveal Sansa standing against a wall behind them looking at me, she notices that I see her looking at me so she looks away before turning her attention to her direwolf "Lady" I walk beside her "admiring my sword skills I see" i say to her "what sword skills? my brother done better than that when he was fifteen" she replies "I'm sure he could" I say "however that doesn't stop you from admiring me" I say as a grin appears on her face before she watches the Kings army ride in, inbetween the army rides the Queen and her children Joffrey the future King, Tommen the second son and Mycella the first daughter the Queen looks at us and sneers before facing forward "bitch" I murmur "(Y/N)! That is the Queen you should not be so disrespectful" Sansa says as I roll my eyes.

Timeskip 3 hours

I am currently sitting at a table in the hall with Robb, Bran and theon as the King and his family sit with Lord Stark whilst Sansa, Arya and Lady Stark sit at a table I look over "you can't keep staring at her (Y/N)" Robb says "I wasn't staring" I reply "of course you weren't (L/N) you were just looking in her direction for a long time" Theon says laughing with Robb as Bran looks confused "what are you on about?" He asks "(Y/N) is in love with your older sister Bran" Theon says mockingly "shut up Greyjoy" I reply "or what? You going to go cry to Sansa" he retorts "right listen you cunt first I am not in love with Sansa, secondly you better shut up before I throw you in the sea and see how well Krakens can swim without legs" I say as Bran looks in shock as Theon chuckles before backing off as Robb is stopping himself from laughing out loud as I take a drink before excusing myself. I walk out to see Jon talking to Benjen Stark I wait until they are done talking before I pass by, once their conversation ends and Benjen Pat's my shoulder before walking into the hall I stand next to Jon "what are you doing out here (Y/N)?" Jon asks "getting away from Theon and Robb and their jokes" I say "was it about your feelings for Sansa?" He asks "for fuck sake! Not you too look I don't have feelings for Sansa" I say as he grins "then why are you getting so angry about it?" He asks "I...I...shut up!" I reply "you might as well except it (Y/N) everyone see's it" Jon says "everyone?" I ask "as far as I know Lord and Lady Stark both know" he replies "well that's not everyone" I say sarcastically "anyway what was that about with your uncle?" I ask "I asked him to ask father if I could join the Nights Watch" he says "why would you want to go there is it not cold enough here for you" I joke, Jon laughs then says "no bastard is ever refused a seat with them I won't be looked at like I'm living evidence that the honourable Eddard Stark is not so honourable" he says I nod "I understand when will you leave?" I ask "two days, when Lord Stark, Sansa, Arya and you are going to the capital with the Kings Army" he says "well if I don't get a chance in two days" then I wish you luck and I hope you survive the first night" I say with a smile as I shake Jon's hand.

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