New girl

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I wake up in the morning to my alarm going off. "Ughhh!" I sigh as I turn off my alarm. I go to my closet and grab my clothes for today and hop into the shower. After my shower I get changed grab my bag and head down stairs to see Blake standing there waiting for me. "Come on slow poke. I'm not going to wait for you any longer!" Blake says to me as he heads out the down and I run after him. As we walk to the bus stop I saw to guys that look like they play football and I wanted to ask the if they did but I didn't want to be rude so I didn't.


We were standing in front of the school when Blake looked at me and said "Remember what doesn't kill you makes stronger." I looked back at him "I know." After that we walked into the the school and took our different ways. I had started to walk to my locker when I ran into someone."oh crap I'm sorry!" It's fin- your the girl from the bus stop." "Ya I guess that's me." I say walking away. "Wait I never got your name." "It's Alex." "Zach." I heard him say and I kept walking to my locker. Once I got my stuff I headed to my first class.


At lunch I decided to go to the football field and practice my throw. I grabbed my football from my bag and headed to the field. I got a few throws in before someone grabbed the football mid air. Zach. "You have a good arm on you." " oh umm thanks." He walked up to me and handed me the ball. "Hey Zach do you play football?" "Ya. You should tryout for qb." "I don't know the other guys on the team may not like that." "Come on please." "Fine but only if you have another pare of cleats I can borrow." "I'll give them to you after school meet me right here at 3:30 that's 30 minutes before practice." "Ok see you then."


After school I headed over to the field again but this time with my bag. After about five minutes later I saw Zach coming my way so I walked towards him. He was already in his gear with his practice jersey on. He looks kinda good. No I cant think that I just met him. "Hey Alex, so I talked to coach and he said that you should tryout he gave me some extra gear for you to use in practice today oh and a helmet oh and here are my old cleats" he hands me all the gear and shows me where the locker room is and I head in to change

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