Do I deserve this

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I just rolled my eyes. "Why do you care." "I CARE because some random person is in your room." "Whatever." "I've took you not to talk to me like that Alex!" "Do I look like I care!" I probably shouldn't have said that because he slapped me after a said that. Quickly, I grabbed the snacks and went up to my room where Jackson was waiting. "Sorry that took so long." "It's fine." We looked at each other for a moment. I looked at his brown hair, his brown eyes, and his perfect smile.  "Dang it Alex don't do this!" I whispered to myself. "Did you say something?" "Oh um no. We should probably get started."

After a few hours Jackson went home. "Alex!" Blake yelled from right outside of my door. "What." "QUIT WITH THE ATTITUDE!" He yelled barging into my room. "You quit doing everything that you do to me then." "Haha very funny Alex. Your just getting what you deserve." "So you think abusing me is what I deserve?" "Ya I guess." He said before we kicked me in the stomach and punched me in the face multiple times.

After I got what I "deserved" Blake left to go somewhere. I decided to use this time to my advantage. I quickly packed some clothes and other necessities, then I called Justin. "Hey Alex what's up?" "Look can you come pick me up please?" "Ya Alex I'll be there soon." We hung up and I grabbed my stuff. In just a few minutes he was outside of my house so I went out and got in the car. "What happened to you!?!" He asked concerned. Obviously talking about the blood on my face. "Blake happened can we go before he comes back home." "Ya of course."

Once we got to his house he called Monty and he came rushing over. I was laying down in the guest bedroom when Monty came in. "Again?" He asked and I nodded. "Im sorry you have him as you brother." "It's not your fault." "I know but I'm going to kill him!" He said sitting down next to me. "I hate that he hurts you. Your like a sister to me." "I hate it too Monty." "How long are you going to stay with Justin?" "I don't know probably a week." He nods

Around 9 o'clock I was heading to bed when I got a text from someone and it said "hey Alex this is Jackson Monty gave me you number so we can work on the project." I responded to him and when to bed.

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