New friend

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A few weeks later Jackson and I were really good friends and we hung out a lot. After track practice today Jackson and I decided to take a photo.

 After track practice today Jackson and I decided to take a photo

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I had also became friends with Jackson's sister Bailie. We were one our way to his house when I saw Zach was following me. "Jackson." I whisper sounding panicked. "What is it." "Someone's following us. I'm gonna take the long way to your house and you can just take the normal way. And don't worry you have my location." "Ok just be safe." I take the turn and Zach keeps following me. "What do you want!" "You don't understand Alex, I was there for you at your worst and then you just dropped our relationship like it was nothing!" "You won't there for me at my worst so stop following me!" I started to walk faster now, but he ended up right next to me. He grabs my wrists. "Let me go!" "Oh Alex you don't know how much I missed holding you." He said right before he kissed me. I pushed him away and ran to Jackson's house.

"Alex what happened, are you ok?" Jackson asked noticing the I was breathing heavily. "Hey, hey Alex look at me." I looked at him. "What happened?" "Zach he, he kissed me." I said, as I felt a rush of feelings come fear, anger, sadness, and many more. "It's your here now let's go inside. We went inside and saw that Bailie left a note saying that she was at a friends house for the night. "Soooo, do you wanna have a photo shoot." Jackson suggested. "Sure!" I said excitedly.

 "Sure!" I said excitedly

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I giggled after we looked at the photos, but Jackson could tell something different about the photos

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I giggled after we looked at the photos, but Jackson could tell something different about the photos. "Alex tell me what going on, your smile isn't the same in these photos." "Ok I'll tell you. It's just when Zach kissed me I hated it it made me angry, sad, scared, confused and so many other feelings. I felt like I was going to throw up. And the fact that he knew I didn't want to kiss him and he smiled after." "I'm so so sorry Alex." He said hugging me. Man I really needed that hug.

Jackson and I have known each other for a month now. We were on our way back from a track meet. For the girls I got first place and for boys Jackson got first place. I had went to my house to grab some clothes and then I was heading to Jackson house. The second I got to his house he answered the door. "Hey!" "Hey." "Come in it's cold out." "Ya your right." I said walking in. "Oh umm I have something for you if you'll wait downstairs for me." Jackson asked me. "Ya sure." I say as I start to walk down the stairs. A few minutes later Jackson came downstairs holding some flowers. He came up to me. "Alex Walker, I know we've only known each other for about a month or so but I can't ignore these feeling anymore. Will you be my girlfriend?" I was shocked at first but then I realized it had been almost six months since Zach and I broke up and I was over him so I said...

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