The letter, The new kid

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Dear Alex,
I'm sorry for all that happen to you over the past year. With me drinking, Blake being different, Zach, Tyler, and Evan. I'm hoping you can forgive me and all I've done. I'm sick and tired of  hurting you. I quit drinking and I fixed up my life, and I'm hoping your brother can do the same. My parents are thinking about moving away, so that would mean there would probably be a new student if I do. I've heard rumors that the new student would be someone named Jackson. Apparently he's coming to the school for the track and the football team. Alex I want you to know that no matter how messed up your life is Monty and I will always be there for you no matter what. We'll be the shoulder to cry on, the guys that take you to prom or homecoming, or even someone to punch. We all ways want you to be safe, and we know that it's hard with your brother. So if you ever need a place to stay you know where we live. Alex I hope you can forgive all that I've done to you.
    Sincerely, Justin

As I finished the letter I felt a tear roll down my cheek because I knew I had forgiven Justin for what he did it me. I decided to look in the box and see what else was in there. There was all of my favorite source candies, Gatorade, and some mints. I grabbed my phone to thank Justin. He responded with "it was the only way I was probably going to get you to talk to me again." I laughed. Justin and I talked a bit before I decided to go to sleep.

The next morning when I got to school I bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry." I said as I looked at him, "I've never seen him before, he must be the new kid."  I thought to myself. "It's ok, but could you help me with my schedule. I'm new here so I don't know where to go." He said as he looked at me. He was actually kinda cute. "It looks like all of your classes are the same as mine. I'm Alex by the way." "I'm Jackson."

After school Jackson and I had a project to work on because we were partners for science class. When. We got to my house I saw Blake on the couch, so we just continued walking to my room. I told Jackson I was going to go grab some snacks for us. As I walked downstairs Blake called me name. "Who is he Alex!"

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