He lied

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"If you think he's being honest and that what happened won't happen again then I think you should trust him." "Ok." I said trying to sound happy.

Later that day Jackson and I went running on the track. We had no clue what lap we were one but Jackson had stopped to take a rest and I ran two more laps. "Holy crap." I said out of breath sitting down on the bench next to Jackson. I looked at my watch and saw that I ran 8.50 miles.  "Ya I know. I can't believe we ran that much." Jackson laughed.

Once we got back to Jackson's house I took a shower first then he took one.  I was sitting on Jackson's bed when he came in the room. "You ok?" "Ya I'm fine just a little worn out, that's all." I lied. I was actually thinking about what would happen if I trusted Blake again

A few weeks later I had a huge part in a program coming up for school, not only did I have to play in the band but I also had to give two speeches. I was looking out my window when I saw Blake standing out on his balcony with something in his hand so I went to go see what it was. "Hey" I said. "Alex please go back inside, I don't need one of your speeches right now!" He said a he turned to me. Not only did he have a beer in his hand but also a cigarette. "Y-you said you were going to stop." "I know what I said Alex! Just go back inside!" I quickly walked back into my room, and worked on my speeches for Monday.

I got a text from Jackson. "Are you busy?" "No why?" "I want you to come spend the weekend at my house" "fine I'll be right over." Once I finish packing I headed over to his house.

After I knocked on the door I was greeted with a hug and a kiss. "Why hello to you too" I laughed. "What your the one that's so cute?" "Aww thank you." We watched a few movies before falling asleep together.

" We watched a few movies before falling asleep together

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The dreaded day was here now. I woke up early on Monday to try to look decent, but then I started having a panic attack. I was in the basement by myself on the couch sobbing. It started to feel like I couldn't breathe. Just then Jackson walked down the steps and saw me. "Hey, hey just look at me it'll be ok, ok?"

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