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It was about 8 o'clock when I heard laughing and shushing coming from Blake's room so I grab my water bottle, my phone, my earbuds, and my spikes and headed out to the track.

When I got to the tack I set my stuff down on the bench and put in my spikes. I think I was on my thirty-second lap when someone came up to the track yelling my name. At first I thought it was Blake so I finished my lap. Turns out it was Zach. "I'm sorry. When you didn't answer your phone I though you might have been here." I didn't realize how much I had ran before I almost collapsed onto him. "Woah it's ok I got you." He said grabbing me to make sure I didn't fall. Once I was somewhat stable he helped me walk over to the bench and sit down. "Let's get you some water." Zach said when he handed me my water. I untied my spikes and took them off. I slid on my sweatshirt and shoes. "You can't keep doing this." "Doing what?" I asked. "Pushing yourself like this. Our first game is tomorrow and we need you."

Zach finally convinced me to stay the night at his house. I ended up falling asleep on the way to his house and walking up when the turned off. We walked into his house and he took me to his room. I had clothes that I leave here just in case. I took a shower and then hopped into bed. Around 5 am I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was Blake. "Hello?" I said I'm a tired voice. "Where are you?!?" "I'm not going to telling you. I'll see you at he game." I got up out of bed, changed, and grabbed my stuff because I didn't want to be late.

After school we didn't have practice but we still had to stay at the school. "You guys know how to play tough. You know how to play hard. You know how good. You know how to play fare. So today you going to do that, and your going to leave everything on that field. Do you hear me!" "Yes coach!" We all yelled in sync. Once coach left the locker room, Zach came over to me and whisper in my ear. "Remember don't let them into your head." "I know."

Once it was almost time for us to run out to the field I got ready. I was seeing the plays in my head. Then it was time to run out. We ran out onto the field and the other team just starred at us then the announcer had to come on and say that I was the first girl in my school's history to be on the team.

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