By my side

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I was walking to the front door when Monty stopped me. "Alex where are you going?" "I'm leaving Montgomery that's what I'm doing!" "Ok something is wrong. You never call me Montgomery unless your mad and your crying. What happened?" "I saw Zach making out with Riley, so I'm just going home." " I'm really sorry and your not going home to your brother only there." "Mont I'll be fine." "It's either you come home with me or I'm staying the night with you."  "Ok fine let's go to my house." I said sighing

When we got to my house I saw Blake in the kitchen so we walked up to my room. After about half an hour we were both thirsty so I went downstairs to the kitchen to get some water. "Who is he?" Blake asked. "Who is who?" "The guy you took up to your room." "That's Montgomery he's one of my friends." "Why is he in your room?" He asked as I was filling up the glasses. "Because he's staying the night" Blake sarcastically laughed and stood and stared walking over to me. "That's not enough information." "Whatever." "I've told you not to talk to me like that!" He said as he grabbed me by the neck and slammed me up against the wall making me drop the glasses. "Let me go please."I begged. "And why would I do that Alex." At this time I could hear Monty running down the stairs to see what was going on. "You won't because I have a friend over." "WHAT IN THE WOLD IS GOING ON!" I heard Monty say as soon as get got to the bottom of the stairs. Monty came over to us shouting at Blake. Blake just started laughing and dropping me to the ground. "Whatever" I heard him mutter to himself. I had my back to the wall and my knee to my chest trying to stop coughing. Monty comes and sits next to me on the floor rubbing my back.

"You know you can just leave Monty. I'll be fine." "I'm not going to leave you here. I'm going to be by your side." We went back up to my room and watched a movie. After a few movie we decided we were going to watch 13 Reasons Why.

Monty ended up falling asleep before the first episode ended so I stopped it. I was so tied of my brother, Justin, and everyone else who hated me. Sometimes I even wanted to die.

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