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"Justin let go!" "Shh it's not that big of a deal princess." "Why did you start drinking then! Is that just another not a big deal kind of thing." "Look it's non of your business." Just then out of the corner of my eye I saw Montgomery walk towards Justin and I. Monty and I have been friends since way before I even met Justin. At this point I knew that my wrists are going to have bruises. Justin let go of my wrists and brought his hands to my neck. "Let me go." I struggled to get out. "Aww does little baby need help." "Let her go!" I heard Monty say. Justin did as he was told and walked away. When he was out of sight I stated crying.

Monty and I had been sitting on the bench. "It's ok Alex, you'll be ok." A few minutes earlier Monty had called Zach and told him what happened.

Then Zach showed up. "Thanks for staying with her Monty." "Ya of course. Call me if you guys need anything." Then he walked away. "Please never go here alone again Alex." I nodded my head as a response. "Let's get back to my house."

When we got back to his house there was a mirror close to the door so I decided to look at what Blake and Justin had done to me. I really wish I hadn't because there was many bruises on my face, on my neck, and my wrists. I quickly walked up to Zach's room. I heard a know on the door. "Alex you ok?" Zach asked as he walked into the room. "Yea I'm fine." "Alex you can talk to me you know that right?" "Yes I know." "I know what your brother does to you Alex. I want to protect you."

The nest day to school I decided to wear a long sleeve turtle neck and the jeans. There was so many people looking at me. I looked in my locker and neon pink ink sprayed all over me. "I guess you should have listened to me princess." I heard his horrible voice say. "So you did this Justin. This is so kiddish of you. Your know that right?" "It was just a joke princess." "YOU RUINED MY CLOTHES AND MY LOCKER!" I yelled and slammed my locker shut. Yet I didn't know the guidance counselor was standing right there. "Alex why don't we go talk in my office." So I walked with him to his office. "Alex do you mind telling me why you yelled at Justin this morning." "I yelled at him because he put neon pink ink in my locker that sprayed onto my clothes and ruined my locker."

Surprisingly I wasn't the person that got in trouble it was Justin. At practice Justin kept eyeing me and whispering to his friends. Monty and Zach were being really overprotective. "Guys you don't need to be this overprotective." "But we do Alex."

Later that night there was a party at Zach's house so I went. I spent almost the whole party looking for him when he was in his den making out with Riley who was my best friend. I felt the tears start to roll down my cheeks. I ran up to his room and grabbed my stuff.

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