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I woke up the next morning to knocking at the door. I opened it and it was Zach. "Alex why did you leave the party last night... And what happened to you!" "I left early because I saw you making out with Riley at the party so we're over." "Alex look I didn't mean it." "I don't want it hear it Zach!" I said as I slammed the door. "Who was that?" "Oh sorry Monty I didn't realize you were up." "It's fine but who was that?" "It was Zach." "Oh do you want me to beat him up." "No it's fine I think I'm just gonna go up to my room for a little." "Ok just be safe." I when up to my room and thought about what happened last night. I thought maybe I should have seen this coming.

A few months later. The football  season was over, we won almost all of the games. Everyday I would go for a run to be ready for track, I would run a couple miles a day. And Blake, he was still the same. I was running on the track at my school when I heard Zach calling my name. "Alex, can we please just talk." "Fine what do you want to talk about!" "I'm sorry for what happened at the party. I wasn't thinking!" "Whatever Zach!" "Alex! Gosh darn it I love you!" He yelled at me. I couldn't take it and I went home.

When I got home Monty texted me saying that he was coming over. I kept thinking about what Zach had said. I was looking out my windows when I felt my fingertips go numb. I was have a panic attack.

—Monty pov—
I walked into Alex's room and I saw her on her bed shaking. "Crap" I thought. Alex had always had panic and anxiety attacks but she hadn't had one for awhile. "Alex it's ok I'm here." I said as I hugged her.

—Alex pov—
It took Monty at least 10 minutes to calm me down. "Alex tell me what happened, please." "Zach, he told me he loved me. But I can't trust him." "He's just mad that your not talking to him Alex."

Soon after Monty left Blake came home, probably drunk or high. "ALEX GET DOWN HERE!" He screamed at me "I'm coming." When I get to the bottom of the stairs I see him standing next to the door. "What's this?" He asked holding a box. "I don't know Blake." Then I see it. The box was from Justin. "Whatever just take it." So I take the box from him and walk up to my room. I opened the box and there was a bunch of food and many other things, but what stuck out to me was the letter.

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