Leave her alone

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At halftime I was still nervous even though we were ahead by 30 points. Once the game was over we all headed back to the locker room with all the guys being psyched because we won. "Hey Alex, wanna come to my house for the after game party? The whole team will be there." Justin said as we walked up to me. Justin and I have always been friends but last school year he started drinking and he wasn't the same. "No I think I'm just going to go home." "Come on it'll be fun." He said getting closer to me, pressing his hands on my locker behind me. "I think she said no now leave her alone." I heard Zach say. "Jeez man I was just trying to see if she wanted to come to the party tonight." Justin said walking away.

Zach drove me home after the game. "You played like trash today Alex." "Just leave me alone Blake." I replied walking to my room but he stop me by grabbing my wrist. "You need to try harder Alex you shouldn't have even tried out for the team!" "I try my best Blake! You don't understand!" "Don't talk you me like that!" He said right before he punched me in the face. Then again and again. By the time he was finished with me I could feel the blood dripping down my face. "Go to your room!" I walked up to my room and locked the door. I heard knocking at my window and saw it was Zach, so I opened it. "WHAT IN THE WORLD HAP-" I cut him off by putting my hand his mouth. "Shhh my bother is downstairs." "Sorry but what happened?!?" "Zach it's nothing. Can I just stay the night at your house." "Ya of course Alex I'll help you pack." Once we were done packing I slipped my spikes in my backpack he wasn't looking. "You ready?" "Yep let's go"

When we got back to Zach's house he helped me clean up my face. "Jeez Alex your face is already bruising. What did he do to you?" "He was just mad at me that's it." "Ok well we should probably get to sleep."

I woke up early the next morning to go for I run. I got changed into shorts and a tank top. I grabbed me spikes and left a note for Zach saying a was going to the track for a run. It felt so good to have the wind blowing against my face. With my earbuds in if someone was trying to talk to me I would be able to hear them. I was on my eighth lap around the track when I saw Justin walk over to the track. He wasn't in running clothes so I took out my earbuds. "Going out of an early morning run I see." "Ya I guess." "Wanna come over to my place? We could hang out." "Umm no sorry I have to get back home." "Oh come on it'll be so much fun." He said before he grabbed my wrists.

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