A girl QB? Really!

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Once I went into the locker room I set everything down and heard Zach holler from the outside "Once you you get your clothes of for under your gear I can help you will all the pads if you want." I get my under clothes and football pants on and call in Zach for some help because I knew I would need help this first time. He explained how to put everything on and help me put everything on I was ready. "Ok normally the other guys get here around 5 minutes before practice so we have 25 minutes before they come. But coach wants to talk to you in like 5 minutes." "Ok well let's go sit on the bleachers for now." We head over to the bleachers for a bit before coach came to talk to me. He took me on to the track away from Zach so he couldn't hear us. "Look Alex most of the other guys won't like this. In practice when we work on plays their going to try to tackle you harder and more often. This isn't going to be easy but if your up for it go right ahead and try out for qb." "Coach I promise you I'm up for this I always have been no matter what people say or do I promise you, I won't let you down." After we talk most of the guys have started to show up. Most of them just stare at me like I'm crazy.

After tryouts I went home. I was really happy that I made the team but most of the guys weren't. I saw my brother on the couch, "Hey" he said. "Hi, I'm gonna go hop in the shower."

Once I got out of the shower I put on my pajamas.

Once I got out of the shower I put on my pajamas

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I walk to my room and turn on my tv and of course football is on

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I walk to my room and turn on my tv and of course football is on. "Yes" I whisper to myself.
I hear I ding on my phone and check it. "Ughhhh" its my health app reminding me to take two of my meds. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, grab a cup of water and take my meds.
An hour later my phone rings so I pick it up. Zach.

Hey I was wondering if tomorrow you want to come over to my house and watch the game?
Ya of course. That would be a lot of fun.
Ok I'll see you tomorrow at school.

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