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Soon after the movie started I poked Zach. "Zach?" "Yes?" "My brother won't be home for a few days so if you want you can leave or you can stay." "Ok thanks for letting me know." A few minutes later Zach tapped me on the shoulder, so I decided to tease him and not look at him. He tapped my shoulder again. Still I didn't look. "Alex you good?" Still no answer. I felt his hand on my shoulder as he turned me around to face him. "What's wrong Alex?" "It's nothing I promise." Before I could say anything he kissed me. Soon enough his kisses were going down my neck. I started laughing, it felt so nice and I was just happy Blake wasn't there. "What's wrong?" He asked look back up to me. "It's nothing." I say trying to catch my breath from laughing, but it wasn't turning out so well and I kept laughing. I finally stopped laughing and he started kissing me again. He was getting a little rough with the kisses and started to leave marks. Once he moved away from the marks he'd go back over them again. I let out a little wimmper because it hurt a little. "Did I hurt you? I'm sorry." "A little but it's fine, just try to be a little softer please." "I will I promise." He said before going back to my neck but softer this time. A few minutes later he went back up to my lips. He softly kissed my lips and pulled away. We like 8 movies and I felt myself starting to drift off to sleep in his arms.

Next thing I know is that it's morning and I smell waffles cooking. I sat up and got changed. I walked downstairs and saw Zach cooking breakfast so I went up behind him and hugged his waist. "Did you sleep good?" He asked me. "Yep I sure did you? Also you know you don't have to cook for me right." "Yes and I know, but you looked so cute and I didn't want to wake you up." He said turning around to face me. I was hoping he could tell that I was feeling a bit sad and worried. "Alex will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course I will Zach!" Once I said the he kissed me then turned back around to finish cooking the waffles. "I'm gonna go up to my room for a little if that's ok." "Of course it's fine Alex." I walked up to my room and shut the door. As I sat down on my bed I started to wonder why Blake didn't tell he where he was going like he normally would have. When I thought about that I thought about our fight and started to cry. "Alex?" I heard from outside of the door.

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