The Dizzyness

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Once Zach and I had finished the game we decided to watch a horror movie. Half way through the movie I was scared to death and holding onto Zach like the world was ending. Next thing I know it was morning and I was laying in Zach's lap and he was playing with my hair. I started to blush. "Hey, how did you sleep?"   "I slept fine how about you?" I asked him back. "Pretty good. Do you want something for breakfast?" "Sure." "How about pancakes." "I love pancakes!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ZACH!" I scream standing up a little to fast and end up almost falling because I couldn't see anything. "Woah you ok there?" Zach asks as he catches me and helps me stand up. "Ya, I just need to take something. Can I tell you something?" "Ya of course you can Alex!" "Ok well the reason I get dizzy and stuff when I stand up really quick like I just did is because I have Iron-deficiency anemia." I say really fast. "That's fine Alex if you ever need anything you know I'm here."

After breakfast we go out for a walk and talked about thinks we wish didn't happen. Once we get back to Zach's house we chilled out for a bit and I started to draw a bit. Zach begged me to show him what I was drawing but I couldn't because I was drawing him. His perfect smile. His perfect eyes. His perfect everything. Until I got a call from Blake

"Did you take your meds yet?!?"
"Yes Blake I did. I can take care of myself."
"Not always though Alex! Your the one who signed up for football probably just to impress some guy you don't even know! I'm your older brother Alex so listen to me when I tell you to be careful!"

After that I just hung up, I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. I didn't want to cry in front of Zach, but I knew if I did he would understand. "You ok?" That's when I knew for sure this guy liked me. "Y-ya just me and my brother got in a fight that's all." A tear rolled down my cheek after I said this and Zach came over and hugged me. I never wanted to put away from the hug, it was so warm, his scent made me feel safe. He made me feel safe.

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