You friends with her!

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At school the next day I see two guys at my locker. Of course they're from the football team. "What do you guys want?" "You to quit the team! I mean your no good anyway, coach only put you on the team because he felt bad for you!" After the day that they walk away laughing.

After practice I went to the girls locker room to get changed. There were a couple cheerleaders in there and the just stood there staring and giving me dirty look before walking out. Once I finished changing Zach was waiting for me outside of the locker room. On walk to Zach's house we kept throwing my football. I'm glad he's the wide receiver. Once we turn on the tv I see that it's the Kansas City Chiefs against the Indianapolis Colts.  I knew what todays game was so this is what I had in my bag to put on for the game.

  I knew what todays game was so this is what I had in my bag to put on for the game

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the I had jeans on

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the I had jeans on.
"Hey I invited some of the other guys over so they should be here soon" Zach had told me as we walked into the living room. I sat on the couch a little ways away from Zach. When the door bell rung Zach jumped up to get it. When I saw who it was it was Tyler and Evan. The two guys that hate me they even hate me so much they want we off the team. " Why is she here?!" Tyler almost shouted. "She's my friend that's why." "Your friends with her! Why are you friends with her!?" Evan had yelled back. "Zach it's fine I'll leave you and the guys can watch the game, I can go home and watch it." I said as I walked out the door. "Finally she's gone! You know you should even be hanging out with her Zach!" I heard Tyler say right as I closed the door, after that I walked home crying.

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