Thank you Blake

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Once the new movie started all I could think about was kissing Zach. "..ex. Alex. Alex!" "Oh umm sorry." "Are you ok? You've been biting you lip for the past ten minutes." "Ya just thinking about something." "Is it something I could help with?" He winked as I looked up at him. I started to blush harder, so I looked back to the tv so he wouldn't see. He lightly used his hand to turn my head back to face him. I couldn't take it any longer I wanted to kiss him I needed to kiss him. Without warning I quickly turned my whole body to face him and wrapped my legs around his waist and I kissed him. It took him a second to realize what I had just done but soon he kissed back. We pulled away for each other for air. Soon enough that one kiss turned into a make out session, with his shirt on the floor. But then in the middle of us kissing Blake walks in on us. "BLAKE WHAT THE HECK!" I yelled. "Sorry sorry I was coming to make sure you guys were ok because you hadn't come out of the room for a while." He said shutting the door. "Sorry Zach, I didn't realize he wouldn't knock." "It's fine Alex." As he said that his eyes looked at my lips and then back to my eyes. We started to kiss again and as he was kissing me his kisses when down my neck it felt so good but I couldn't make a sound because Blake was in his room. "Z-Zach we can't do this." "What do you mean?" He asked looking me in the eyes. "I mean you can kiss me like this when my brother is home he would kill me." "But Alex-" I cut him off "Zach I want to kiss like this too but we can right now I'm sorry." After that we both slow drifted off to sleep.

The next day my brother texted me that he wouldn't be home for two - four days.

When I saw the text I almost screamed because I was so happy. I was jumping around the living room when Zach woke up and was walking down the stairs. "What had you this happy?" He asked walking closer to me. "Nothing. Nothing at all." I replied smiling. "Well it has to be something or else you wouldn't have been jumping around." He said ask he hug me. "Ok fine it's something but I can't tell you." I said look up at him. "Fine I'll stop asking." Zach and I had walked back you to my room, to watch another movie.

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