Im sorry

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Once I walked in the door to my house I was still cry but Blake was on the couch again. "Hey, what's wrong?" He said walking over to me. "Blake it's nothing just leave me alone!" That's when I knew I shouldn't have said that because whenever something is wrong I say that. Once I said that Blake walked over to me and hugged me. After like a minute I push away from the hug and go to my room. My phone was blowing up with text messages from Zach. I decided to look at the messages "Alex I'm so sorry!" "I wouldn't have invited them if I knew they would be like that, I just wanted us to have a fun night I'm so so sorry." "Zach it's fine they just don't want me on the team and they don't like me it's fine." A few minutes later I was still trying to stop crying but when I heard my phone ringing I stopped. It's was Zach he was FaceTiming me. I answered it. "Alex I'm so sorry I should have said something to them earlier before you left. It's not fair the way they treat you." "Thanks but there's nothing that will stop them. They won't stop." As I said that a single tear rolled down my cheek. "Alex?" "Ya?" "Do you want to come over I recorded the game if you do." "Sure I'll be over soon." "Ok I'll see you then." Once I hung up I knew he really cared about me. I think I was starting to catch feelings for him. I grab a bag and pack a new pair of clothes and some pajamas, because we had decided that I could stay the night.

 I grab a bag and pack a new pair of clothes and some pajamas, because we had decided that I could stay the night

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Once I finally get around Blake and his questions I make my way to Zach's house

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Once I finally get around Blake and his questions I make my way to Zach's house. As I walking to his house he met me halfway. "You made sure to pack everything right?" "Yes Zach!" "Ok I was just checking!" Once he said that I shoved him a little and then he turn to me and tackled me into the grass. "Zach what the heck!" He burst out laughing and as soon as he did I did.

Once we both stopped laughing he helped me up off of the ground and we continued to walk the rest of the way to his house. When we got to his house he opened the door for me and let me in. "Come on, you can put your stuff in my room." I looked in his room and it had football posters and photos and all kinda of stuff in it. I set my stuff down on the floor and met him back in the living room.

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