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It felt as if I was choking on my own air. "Alex I need you to take a few deep breaths for me ok?" I kept trying to take deep breaths but it wasn't working. Then he kissed me. And my breathing started to slow down. "There we go, see it's going to be ok." "I-I'm sorry." "Hey there's no reason to say that ok?" "Ok" He then wiped the tears away from my face.

When we got to school Justin and Jackson went their own ways in the band room while Zach and I took our own. "Do you want to tell me why you guys were almost thirty minutes late to school today?" "It was nothing"  "Alex your eyes are red, I know you were crying what happens?" "I had a panic attack ok?!" "I'm sorry."

The band had around half an hour until we needed to be at the program, so I was sitting in my locker because it was pretty roomy, until I realized how soon the program was and stared panicking again. I could hear a bunch of laughing and joking outside of the locker room. My breathing stated to get faster and faster as I was crying. It felt like my locker was getting smaller and smaller, and I couldn't move. Just then Justin walked in. "Alex you in here?" Then he heard my sobs and came over to my locker and saw me panicking. He ran out of the room and yelled for Monty and Jackson to get in there.  The all came back into the room. All three over the helped me out of my locker and tried to slow my breathing. "Alex we need you to focus on your breathing ok, can you try to do that for us?" Monty says. I try to force myself to focus on my breathing. Finally after 25 good minutes with the help of Jackson rubbing my back, Monty coaching me to focus on my breathing, and Justin reassuring me that I'll be ok and that I can do this, I stopped panicking. All three of the boys hugged me. We all grab our instruments and go to the gym to set up.

After  we finish our first song, I was feeling better. Then ten minutes later I  did my first speech and everyone started clapping except for four people Blake, Tyler, Evan, and Zach. When I sat back down Jackson whispered in my ear as he put his arm around my shoulder, "You did great out there."

After the whole program we had about an hour left of school so we all went our classes.

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