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Once we got to the track I put on my spikes and tied them really tight. Then I got on the track and started running at a fast pace. On my 14 laps around the track Zach stopped me. "You need to take a break Alex. You've almost been sprinting more than half of these laps!" "Im fine." I said trying to catch me breath when the pain from running kicked in. "Ok maybe I should take a break." I say though the pain and leaning on Zach a little. "Let's get your spikes off and get you back get you back to your house."

When we finally got back to my house Zach had asked me if I wanted anything to eat. "No I'm fine." "Alex you haven't eaten anything all day and it's already 5 o'clock." "Zach I'm fine I'm not even hungry." "Ok Alex if you say so."

A few weeks later Zach and I were heading out to his car sense he had gotten his license a week ago. "Zach can you give me a ride home? My brother wants me home." "Sure Alex." Once we got in the car Zach started joking around I am controlled too much by Blake. "I am not!" "Ya you are." Once he said that I pushed him. "Am not." Then he lunges at me like he was going to hit me. I thought he was going to hit and I didn't realize how hard I flinched. "Woah are you ok?" "Ya I'm- I'm fine can we just go." "Why'd you flinch like that?" "Umm I don't know." "He hurts you doesn't he..," And with him saying that I started crying because it was true. When my brother had come back wherever he had gone he was different, he was hurting me more and yelling at me more. "Alex what's going on? I was just joking I'm sorry." He said as he hopped out of the car and walked over to my side and opened my door. "Alex tell me what's going on. Is he actually hurting you?" I just simply nodded my head by he wrapped his arms around me in a hug.
I ended up just going back home because I knew Blake would be mad. As soon as Zach's car left the driveway Blake spoke up. "Why were you late!" "I'm sorry practice ran a little late today." "That's not good enough Alex!" He said getting up from the couch and walking towards me as I backed up against the wall. "I've told you not to be late at least a hundred times Alex! I'm sick and tired of it! Either you get home on time or you stop playing football!" He yell getting closer to me. "Do you understand me Alex!" I didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Y-yes." I said in a quiet voice. "I said do you UNDERSTAND ME!" "Y-yes" I said louder. "Go to your room!" He yelled at me and pushed me closer to the stairs. I ran up the steps to my bedroom and slammed my door. "DO NOT SLAM YOUR DOOR ALEX!!" I heard Blake shoal me from downstairs. I threw my bags on the floor and sat on my bed.

AN- I just wanted to include that Zach is a year older than Alex.

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