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"Alex?" I heard him say again. I tried to keep my sobs quiet but I have a feeling it just made them louder. "Alex are you ok?" After I don't respond for the third time he came in. He walked over to my bed. "Alex what's wrong. Please talk to me." He said as he hugged me. I didn't want the hug but I had no choice, all I could do was cry on his shoulder. "It's ok. Alex tell me what's wrong." He said rubbing my back. I finally got calmed down enough that I could tell him why I was crying. "He probably just forgot." Zach told me trying to help me relax. It felt like I had cried for hours, my head was pounding so much and I honestly wasn't hungry anymore. Zach had left me alone to get some sleep when he went to go get some more clothes for the next few days. I had a football game playing on my tv as I started to fall asleep.

About half an hour later I woke up to the sound of the front door opening. Of course with me been so stupid I tried to walk down the stairs still half asleep. Somehow I ended up tripping on my own two feet, but thankfully Zach was there to catch me. "Woah careful there. Maybe next time don't try to walk down the stairs half asleep." He laughed as he pick me up and took me back to my room. I wanted to kiss him so bad but I knew he wouldn't let me being still half asleep. When he set me down on my bed I kissed him, he stayed for a few second before he pulled away. "Not while your still half asleep." I sighed at his response. "I'm not even half asleep anymore." "Then try to walk down the stairs." "Ok" I did that at once and I didn't fall. "Ok I guess your not half asleep." He said as he put his hands on my hips to pull me closer as he kissed me. "Zach I think I'm going to walk to the track that's only five minutes away if you want to come." I said walking back to my room and grabbing my spikes from when I did cross country.

Of course they were too small so I pulled out my ones from the latest track season

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Of course they were too small so I pulled out my ones from the latest track season.

Surprisingly they fit fine so I put them back in their bag and went to the front door were Zach was waiting

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Surprisingly they fit fine so I put them back in their bag and went to the front door were Zach was waiting.

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