The movie

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After a few minutes of sitting in my room I heard a knock on my door. "Alex I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to I promise." I heard Blake say from outside of the door. I unlocked the door but didn't open it. "Alex please open the door, i really am sorry." I was sitting on my bed when Blake came in. "Alex..." I didn't answer him and so he came and sat on my bed next to me and hugged me. "Stop!" I said as I tried to fight the hug but Blake knew what was best for me and kept me in the hug. By now I was basically screaming at him to let me go, but all he did was keep me in the hug and rub my back until I calmed down. "See I told you I was sorry." "It's fine." I said in between sniffles. "No it's not Alex I'm supposed to protect you not hurt you. I'm supposed to be there for you and all of your problems. If you want I can leave you alone but if you need me you know where I'm at ok?" "Ok" Once he got up and left the room I called Zach "hey.. OH MY GOSH ALEX WHAT HAPPENED WHY IS YOUR FACE SO RED!" "Look it was an accident I'm fine and nothing happened." I said  to reassure him.  "Was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house my brother won't be home most of the night so you can stay if you want." "Sure I'd love to Alex."
Once he hung up I got ready for him to come over, but before I did that I went to Blake's room "Hey Blake?" "Yes?" "I'm having a friend over tonight I promise we will be quiet." "That's fine Alex" "ok thanks" After that I went to get changed

 I was so happy we had a week off of school and this was only Saturday

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I was so happy we had a week off of school and this was only Saturday. A few minutes later I heard a know at the door and knew it was Zach so I hurried downstairs. As I opened the door he greeted me with a hug. "I'm so glad your ok." He said. As I lead him up the stairs to my room I felt a blush creeping onto my face. As I opened my door I felt Zach right behind me so I let him in. "Wow Alex your room is huge." "Thanks umm if you want we could watch a movie." "Sure why not." He said as he set his stuff down next to my bed.

Before I knew it we were on my bed cuddling because I was scared because of course Zach has to pick a horror movie. I was holding onto his shirt with my face buried in his chest. "Zach can we please change the movie I'm scared?" "Of course Alex I didn't know it would scare you, I'm sorry." "That's ok Zach." He quickly changed the movie to something nonhorror. "Thank you." I said turning back to the screen but still keeping my head on his chest. "Of course."

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