Bad to good day

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A week after the program my brother and I got into a fight over him drinking and smoking. H ended up yelling at me so I was in my room crying as I was packing to go to Jackson's.

As I got to the house I already had a key so I just unlocked the door and went to his room. I knocked on the door and he told my to come in. I slowly walked into his room. "What's wrong?" He asked "Blake and I got in another fight." "Come here." He said as he opened up his arms, signaling for me to come lay down in bed with him. "Did he hurt you?" "No." "Good because I would have done the same thing to him." I giggled when he said that. "What it's true." He said smiling. "I know." Then he kissed my forehead.

He had one hand playing with my hair and the other on was rubbing small circles on my back. This stayed the same way until I fell asleep.

When I woke up I saw that Jackson was gone, but I heard the shower running so I figured that he was in the shower. After his shower he came out of the bathroom with a hoodie and a pair of gray sweatpants. "Do you still need help with your Spanish homework?" "Oh ya."

After around an hour we finally got finished with the homework. "What do you want to do now?" "Whatever you want to I guess." Once I said that he grabbed his tv remote and turned on Netflix. "So I was think that we could watch all the of "To All The Boys I've Ever Loved Before", and all of "The Kissing Booth" movies." " that sounds really fun." I say excitedly. We start off with the first "To All The Boys I've ever Loved Before." And before I knew it we were on to the third one.

By the time the third movie was over it was 12:30 AM, and I was getting tired. "Baby?" "Ya?" I say sleepily. "Why don't I turn off the movie and we head to bed?" "Ok." I said before he turned of the tv and ended up falling asleep like this.

" I said before he turned of the tv and ended up falling asleep like this

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Let's just say I was exhausted after today.

-Jackson's POV-

Before we fell asleep we had our first I love you. I don't think I've ever seen Alex this tired. In the second movie I could tell she was getting tired but she kept saying she wasn't, so by the time the third movie was over I'm pretty sure she slept through more than half of it. Once I turned off the movie she basically passed out in my arms.

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