The answer

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"Yes! A million times yes!" I said. Jackson set the flowers done on the couch and pick me up into a hug.

We decided that we were going to have a dance party because why not

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We decided that we were going to have a dance party because why not. About have songs had gone by when "Night We Met" came on. We were both singing along. "I had all of you, most of you some of you, now none of you. Take my back to the night we met." By the time the song was over I was getting tired so we went to bed.

A month later it was our last track meet and I was so sad, I cried on the way there, before my race. Once I crossed in finish line one of our team managers was there and put my arm around her. I was sobbing, I ran my hardest on this race and it hurt so bad. After all the events were over my team and I were all over at the tent, and out coach was going over the scores. I had beat my lifetime pr (personal record) by a full minute, and somehow out of all of the girls competing today I got first place.

After the race I went home and showered. When I got out of the shower Blake was just getting home so I just went to my room and watched 13 reasons why. "Alex." Was all I heard from outside of the door so I didn't really care and I didn't answer it. "Alex, Zach is at the front door. He wants to talk to you." "Tell him to go away." "I'm not going to tell him to go away when you have two perfectly good legs you can use to walk." I rolled my eyes and went downstairs and told Zach to go away. As I was walking up the stairs I heard him knock again so I ignored it. When I was in my room Jackson called me asking if I wanted to come over so of course I said yes and that I would be over soon. I grabbed a bag, my phone, and phone charger. Then I headed over to Jackson's house by going through my window, hoping to avoid Zach.

When I got to his house Bailie answered the door. "Oh hey Alex I'm on my way out to go to a friends house for the night if Jackson asks." "Ok I'll tell him." I shut the door after I walked in the house and way greeter with a hug from Jackson.

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