9 - Save your ass

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Arm's POV

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Arm's POV


Too late. We barely manage to wear our clothes when someone knocks furiously on the door.

"Fuck!...uhhh... hide inside the closet, Arm!"

"Considering he remembers about me and Pete together inside a closet, I'm sure Khun Vegas won't even mind opening the closet's door. It will be the first place he will shoot, Macau."

"... you don't seem to forget it either, by the way..." Macau mumbles something pouting.

"Are you jealous of Pete and me?" That sounds both funny and tragic to be the target of the jealousy of these two brothers.


"Use your genius brain, Arm! How do we escape from here now?

"You know what? Let's face it. I will not run."

"Are you crazy? I thought you were smart! I don't want him to hurt you. It's no use arguing with my brother. He won't listen to us."

"You are not the only determined person in this room, Macau."

"Please, don't die..."

Macau tries to hold me back, but it's late. I head for the room door and turn the knob to open it.

I jolt in surprise.

"Khun Noo?!"Khun Noo enters the room like a hurricane in the living area, followed by Pol, that closes the door behind him.

"Aish! Are we switching places, Arm? Am I the one who must save your ass now? All because of this brat?"

Apparently, they already know about Macau and me.

"I'm sorry Khun Noo" I bow to him.

"Hey, don't scold him!" Macau leaves the bedroom for the living area.

"Wait Macau, take it easy!" I turn quickly to grab Macau before he touches Khun Noo.

"Don't think I'm going to let you take my bodyguard! Arm and Pol are mine. Enough minor family taking my bodyguards away from me!"

"Khun Noo please! Khun Vegas must be coming!" As I pull Macau by the arm, Pol pulls Khun Noo.

"RING, RING" Pol's phone rings. After listening the call, he turns and says "Khun Vegas is almost here."

"I'll talk to him, Khun Noo. Explain things."

"Don't be stupid, Arm. He'll shoot you. You're in the room next to his, screwing his brother. Do you think he will patiently listen to some formal courtship request at this point?"

I feel embarrassed.

"Cousin is right, Arm. What shall we do, cousin?" Macau asks humbly.

"I have an idea."

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now