40 - Smart moves

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Pete's POV

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Pete's POV

"Mr. Andy sent me here. I was asked inside the room." I said to the bodyguards in front of the door.

They looked at each other, but then they let me enter the room.

I looked the door.

"Stupid girl...at last Tang Yi sent you here, huh?! I bet he's afraid I'll tell my dad I've been treated poorly. Get her on her knees, while I have fun with this one first." The leader ordered.

I saw that ugly costumer from earlier and other two men pants down, holding Ton, trying to abuse him.

Those assholes don't look like bodyguard...They must be his friends.

Ton is strong, so I think he had managed to avoid them up until that point.

But he is not a fighter. Maybe they drugged him.

They tied Ton's arms behind his back. He was lying on the bed, barely conscious. Defenseless.

That disgusting costumer was between his legs, read to rape him.

"Run, Anong, run!" Ton tried to shout it, worried about my safety.

That image triggered me to a level of cold rage I have experienced only a few times in my life.

Suddenly a forgotten memory of the past crossed my mind quickly, then it vanished completely, leaving nothing but hatred.

It makes me unstoppable.

It makes me thirsty for blood.

I didn't wait for them to move. I ran towards them, not caring at all about my disguise.

It didn't take me more than a few coordinated punches and kicks to knock those two men down.

"Who are you?!" That pathetic customer got scared and tried to get his gun on a dresser to shoot me.

I grabbed him by his hair.

He started screaming for his bodyguards, who knocked on the door.

I took the gun from his hand and slammed him against the wall.

I kicked him hard in his stomach, which sent him crashing to the ground.

I punched him several times in the face until blood flowed from his mouth.

Helpless... defenseless...just like Ton.

"Haven't you asked me to come up to the second floor? Here I am, you peace of shit."

"You can't shoot me! My father will track you down and kill you and every damn person you care for in this life, bitch!" he snarled arrogantly.

I point the gun to his head.

I touch the Christian cross around my neck.

"Say your prayers, asshole." I smirk at him.

Pure joy.

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now