61 - Declaring war

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Vegas' POV

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Vegas' POV

"What is this?!" Kinn asks confused.

"This is check-mate." Pete answered with a cunning smile on his face. "...with the white queen."

"Get out of my house" Khun Korn says to Pete enraged.

"Keep the queen's invitation card, please." Lian Wang gazes the white chess piece on the table and then my uncle. "All White Clan's side businesses are managed by the White Queen as the Chess Room rules..."

"That's a dangerous game you're playing Wang. Is the White Council in agreement with this?!" Uncle Korn asks to Wang.

"Hmm...what did they say, Lee?!"

"Do you mean those few left?! I don't recall...what did they say, Phong?!"

"Please, don't kill me." Pete says coldly.

"Oh...yeah. That's all what they said before we killed them" Lee bows to Khun Korn.

"How did you get their real identities?!" Khun Korn asks astonished.

"We have our means. We're not done with cleaning yet, Khun Korn. But don't worry, we will keep doing business together. This is not personal, is it?!." Wang smiles cordially and takes leave, followed by Pete, Lee and the rest of the clan.

"Don't mind us." Pete says to P'Chan. "I can lead us to the exit door." Pete smirks.

My uncle angrily grabs the chess piece and flings it away. He shouts to P'Chan.

"Get me the culprit!"

An alert lights up in my head with this sentence.

It was not him.

It was not Khun Korn who ordered those assassination orders. He could not lose the Island and damage his business. That's why he never messed directly with Pete and always treated his grandparents well.

I need to find out who's behind this.

But first...

I have to talk to Pete!

I don't care about my uncle and his sons staring at me.

I rush out of the conference room after Pete. It might be the last time I get to talk to him in Thailand.

"Vegas, where are you going?!" Porsche yells. "Don't go after him!"

I ignore Porsche.

I ignore everyone.

"PETE! Wait! PETE!" I call for him through the corridors

The staff looks at me.

Pete doesn't turn even once. He keeps walking.

The white clan enters one of the elevators.

Wang gazes me with a smile.

He's really enjoying this.

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now