31 - Taipei

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Vegas' POV

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Vegas' POV

Taipei - Taiwan

Assistant Lee's limousine pulls up in front of a luxury hotel in the capital.

Two bodyguards deliver Tankhun's various shopping bags to the hotel staff.

He made us stop at several clothing stores before we got to the hotel.

"Why do you have to buy so much stuff?"

"Do not complain, Vegas. I'm not your wife."

"Thank God! I would face bankruptcy"

"I can't go on a trip without something to wear, obviously. You also bought clothes!"

"I didn't buy enough to spend a year here."

"Well, it depends on how long it takes us to find Pete and Arm."

"Welcome to Taipei, Taiwan, every one! It was a pleasure having you all." Assistant Lee says after taking the last Tankhun package out of the car. "Enjoy your stay in my beautiful country. My mission with you all is finished!"

"...Uh...are you leaving us already, Assistant Lee? Can't you help us?Why can't we team up to find Arm and P'Pete?!" Macau asks naively.

"Unfortunately, I can't, my dear. I have my clan's own interests to safeguard. But we mean no harm to Pete or Arm."

"You can't even give us a clue where P'Pete and Arm might be?"

"I don't know either, kid. I don't even know if they are here in Taipei. Khun Pete can be unpredictable sometimes." Assistant Lee looks at me. "But let's look for them and keep them out of unwanted trouble.

"Okay...thank you, Assistant Lee...I hope to see you soon."

Tankhun has Pol and Macau carry some bags as they enter the hotel.

"Is he really your brother? So cute."

"I practically raised him myself."

"Good job, Khun Vegas!"


"...You made a smart move to bring the eldest with you, bye the way. You could have simply taken the chess piece from his hand. He doesn't seem to be like the fighting type." Assistant Lee smiles.

"He's a nightmare. However, I've came into this game to play, Assistant Lee...not to be a piece on the board. For that I need to think of a worst-case scenario and prepare myself for it."

"The eldest can be an easy entry pass to the chess room... or your shield against your uncle... or your bargaining chip in any clash with other mafia families here...what else?!"

"Whatever else is convenient".

"Would you sacrifice him?"

"For Pete? Without thinking twice. But I hope I don't have to."

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now