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Pete's POV

"Good morning, Dr. Top."

"Good morning, Pete. He is waiting for you in the examination room. Let me take care of Venice. Go ahead."

"Thank you, doctor."

I enter the examination room that is inside Dr. Top's office.

"Hey, Pete! What's going on?"

"I'm sorry, Khun Noo. Thanks for coming this early."

"Looks like you have something serious to hide from Vegas."

Tankhun takes the chess piece out of his pocket and hands it to me.

"Thank you."

"What is it? I mean...I know it's a chess piece made of crystal...a white king maybe?!...but... This is too much secret because of a simple object."


"Where did this piece come from, Pete? Was there someone with you last night, before we arrived, Pete?

"Don't worry, Khun Noo."

"Too late. I'm already worried."

"I don't know who the person was. It was dark. But he said I would find him. I think this object can help me."

"Find him for what? Why are you hiding this from Vegas? I know he is freaking jealous, but this can be dangerous, Pete...a trap."

"This guy kissed me...and he said I know him."

"Ooow! You can't tell this to Vegas for sure. But you can count on me! I won't let my former favorite head bodyguard risk himself alone. And you know you can't change my mind."

"Thank you, Khun Noo. But you help me now by not saying anything to anyone. Absolutely no one. I need to gather some information first."

"I haven't. Only Pol is downstairs in the cafeteria waiting for me. He thinks I came to see Dr. Top. And Arm slipped into some room in the mansion with Macau. I haven't seen them since last night. People in love are disgusting." Tankhun makes a face at me. "But listen, if I know you're doing anything alone that puts you at risk, the first person I'm going to look for is Vegas."

"Don't worry. I'm just going to study information that I already have collected on my computer. Any action I must take, you will be the first to know."

"Promise, Pete?"

"Mhmm" I held tight to Kuhn Novo's hands. This Pete in bodyguard mode doesn't keep his promises, Khun Noo, I'm sorry. "Now go, please. Dr. Top is looking after Venice in the next room. I'll go out through his office."

"Okay, take care Pete! Keep me updated on your steps!"

"Take care too, Khun Noo."

Moments after Khun Noo leaves the room through a back door, another person enters through the same door.

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now