33 - Andy's Night Club

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Pete's POV

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Pete's POV

"You are so cute!"

"Do you wanna die?!"

"Haha...come on, Pete...you really are."

"I don't get it. Is it a waitress position or a maid position?!"

"Either way, cheer up! We've got the job!"

"I always get the weird disguises. The Chinese assassin in a crop top... the waitress dressed as a maid...just because I'm too ordinary?! Is it a prank from Fate?!"

"Maybe you're not."

"Yeah, right. How about you, Arm?! Where's your outfit?!"

"Mr. Andy (1) is bringing it to me. I'm a bartender, anyway. How weird an outfit could be for a bartender?!"

"Wanna bet?!"


Andy, the friendly owner of the night club, accompanied by the kindest young man I've ever met, Tom (2), one of his waiters, comes to the locker room to see if the waitress uniform fits me.

"Wow, it fits you so well, Anong! You're gorgeous! It suits your name!" Tom looks at me amazed.

Gorgeous wearing a maid outfit? Really?!

"Thank you, Andy! Thank you, Tom! I'm sorry, I'm a little hoarse." I try to fake my voice. "Can you speak Thai, Tom?"

"One of our customers teaches Thai to Tom whenever he comes here, right Tom? Andy answers for him.

"Yes, Mr. Andy. But it's been a while since he came here." Tom looks sad all of a sudden. "He's Thai too. Anong means gorgeous woman, right?!"

"That's right!"

Arm chose this name for me. It's the name of one of his cousins.

"Tom has a crush on that Thai costumer."

"Don't say it, Mr. Andy!"

"Why not?! I don't blame you. He's a Thai mafia heir...handsome, young and powerful."


"Maybe you know about him, Anong. Or maybe not. That man despises girls."

Mafia heir...despise girls?!...hmm....I'm afraid I know him...

"Oh, Mr Andy. We don't get involved with the mafia in our country. But who knows?! What's his name?"

"No, Mr. Andy! Don't say it, please!"

"Haha...I'm sorry. Tom is shy. Go get Narong's outfit, Tom."

Arm chose this name for himself...it means one who always ready for war. Bastard. A cool name just for him. We introduced us as siblings from Thailand looking for a job opportunity in Taiwan. As my Mandarin is not good, it would be difficult to hide Thai nationality. That's why our names kind of match... soundly.

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