60 - The White Clan

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Pete's POV

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Pete's POV

The limousine pulls up in front of the Main Family building.

P'Chan comes to greet us.

"Welcome Mr. Wang. I hope you had a nice flight."

I notice his surprised expression when he sees me getting out of the second limousine.

"Very nice, thank you." Lian says.

"If you don't mind, please, I'll show the way." P'Chan leads us inside the building.

White King and Queen never stays at the same car or jet according to security procedures.

There's a reason for every position on the whiteboard.

Security was prioritized by Lian after his parents Dethronement.

As The White Tower, Lee always follows the King.

If I had a White Bishop, they would follow me.

Just like Grandpa Tai used to protect Grandma Jui when they were young.

The white clan's security formation is impeccable though.

At the core of the formation, The White King stays at the center.

Lee and I, each on his side, one step ahead to protect him.

White pawns cover us all.

The Main Family's security guards are well trained, but on their faces it is clear that they are impressed with the austerity and confidence with which the white clan moves through the corridors of the Building.

I sense some eyes on me and whispers. Huh...curiosity...

"This way, please" P'Chan points to the doors of the Conference Room. "Khun Korn is waiting for you all inside."

"PETE!!Oh My God, MY PETE!!"

"Please, Khun Noo...wait!" Pol looks at me suspiciously.

"Oh, leave me Pol! Are you blind?! Can't you see our Pete is there?!"

"Please, calm down...wait..."

Before Tankhun can reach me, my personal guards close the formation using their bodies.

"Hey! What the hell you think you're doing?!" Tankhun is forced to stop abruptly in front of the formation. "Let me pass! Pete!"

"How do you do, first son?!" Wang greets Tankhun kindly.

"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Pete. PETE!"

"Sure..." Lian replies, looking slightly at my serious face.

He gives a cunning smile.

I observe that peculiar being, feeling annoyed by his loud voice.

"PETE!!It's me...your favorite young master."

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