62 - I bring the pain like...

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(Pretend dialogues among Taiwanese/chinese are in Mandarin . It won't be written in pinyin)

 It won't be written in pinyin)

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Vegas' POV (Taiwan)


He came running to me.

I never thought a hug from a child had healing powers like that.

It's like you're given life again.

I couldn't say or do anything other than hold him tight in my arms.

Venice leaned back, placing his palms on my face to see me.

He was trying to understand why I was crying.

"Papa sad..."

"No! Papa is happy! Papa is really happy to see you, son. I missed you so much!" I hug him tight again.

"Papa working."

I realized what I have when I was about to lose it.

I was about to lose him.

I regret many things.

Not giving the love and affection that Venice deserved earlier is among the top ones.

"Yeah...I'm sorry, son...I'll do my best to see you often, okay?!" I turn to grandma. "Thank you, grandma Jui. Thank you so much for bringing Venice to me. I'm so relieved to see you all well. I was so afraid that..."

"We are here, Vegas...we are strong...we are fine." Grandma Jui join us in a warm hug.

"Are you okay, Grandpa Tai?"

"I'm a rock, son." Grandpa answers me patting my back tenderly.

"Not enough bullets can keep him in a bed. Grandpa Tai is very excited to be surrounded by youth...teaching Thai boxing to Taiwanese youngers again."

"Is Grandpa Tai a boxing master?!Wow!So that's why Pete fights so well."

"Not exactly. His mother had other plans to him..." Grandpa looked to Grandma. "Pete learned on his own."

"There's so much I don't know about you...I'm so sorry for everything...I really am."

"Don't be sorry... why would you be sorry. It was not your fault" Grandma Jui says.

"Maybe Pete is right, grandma...I brought death to you...but I'm going to find out who tried to hurt you all...I promise, grandma."

She lowers her eyes.

"This is much bigger than you think, son...don't blame yourself...I'm the one to be blamed." Grandma Jui says with a sad expression on her face.

"Grandma...I found this..." I pull the picture out of my pocket while holding Venice in my other arm. "Do you recognize this lady?"

Grandma Jui widen her eyes and covers her mouth with her hand, trembling.

"This is...this is Pete's mother...my daughter" she says holding some kind of emotion. "Where did you get this?!"

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now