34 - New piece of the puzzle

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Pete's POV

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Pete's POV

Tom and I left the building for a few minutes to stay at the back of the club to rest.

"You're doing great, Gorgeous!

"Are you going to call me like this?"

"It's your name! May I?"



"I was afraid this work would be heavy for you, but you seem quite used to it."

"Thank you! It's because Tom instructs me so well."

"You learn fast. But you also said you've worked in nightclubs before, right? I'm concerned about a girl's well-being in an environment like this."

"Mhmm...actually I've worked on a lot of things from an early age to help my family...here is good. You don't have to worry about me. I know how to take care of myself. You must also take care of yourself, Tom...customers here seem... well... pretty pushy with waiters."

"Yeah...they are... your brother seems more worried about me than about you. He chased away all pushier customers near me. I need to thank Narong. I don't know how to be so direct to turn people away. I don't want to cause any trouble to Mr. Andy. He is the one who usually helps me."

"Sorry for asking Tom...but why do you work here? I'm sure you could work elsewhere. You are very committed to work."


"Don't mind telling me if you don't feel like...I don't want to be nosy".

"You and Narong seem to be so nice...I feel like knowing you for a long time although we've met today...I feel ashamed to tell you why I can't leave."


"Although I'm quite harassed here, it would be much worse if Mr. Tang hadn't bought me.

"Excuse me? Somebody bought you?"

"Yes...He brought me here to work at the night club...Oh...I shouldn't tell you this..."

"You can trust me, Tom..."

"After my parents died, there were many debts and a moneylender sold me to settle my parents' debts. People being sold into slavery is still a reality. I was fifteen...no relatives to help me. I was going to be sold to a cabaret, but Master Tang, Young Master Tang Yi deceased uncle, bought me and brought me here.

"Who are Master Tang and Tang Yi?"

"Master Tang was the head of one of the main factions of the Taiwanese mafia. After Master Tang died, young master Tang Yi took over the clan's power. He's Mr. Andy's business partner. He doesn't come here often, but when he does, you'll know. Master Tang Yi is known to be very handsome."

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now