22 - Pernicious doubt - part 3

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Vegas's POV

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Vegas's POV

"Nop? Why are you calling me? What happened?"

"Khun Kinn is here at the mansion, Khun Vegas."

"Kinn? What is he doing at the mansion? Nobody told me he was looking for me."

"Khun Kinn came to talk to Pete."


"Pete was also surprised he'd come here alone at this hour looking for him."

"What are they doing?"

"They are locked in the meeting room. Khun Kinn wanted everyone out of the room."

"I'm going back home."

I hang up the phone and I hurry to leave.

"What is it now? Where are you going? tonight we have to..." Porsche asks me, startled.

"Your husband is at my house! Locked in the conference room with Pete."

"Kinn?? Why? I talked to him on the phone not long ago...he casually asked if you were here."

"Casually my ass. He went to the minor family mansion to talk to Pete alone."

"Is he suspicious of something? I'm going with you!"

"No! Wouldn't that be more suspicious?! I'm going alone. You stay here, dealing with things."

"Vegas...don't do anything stupid. Pete was Kinn's trusted man...they can be talking about anything. Don't overthink it."

"Well, I think he should get over it and leave Pete alone."

"What do you mean...?!"


"Vegas! Shit!"


Pete's POV

I don't have time to assimilate what Lian Wang said.

According to him, minor family is behind the assassination order against me.

Minor family.

I'm stunned.

Besides myself, who's minor family now?

...Vegas, Macau, Venice...Porsche...?!

It doesn't make any sense.

Even if he had said 'Main Family', that would sound less absurd.

I meet Khun Kinn in the conference room. He's standing by the window.

Nop is upstairs taking care of Venice.

"Pete... I'm sorry to come without prior notice."

"No problem, Khun Kinn. You are welcome anytime. Please, take a sit.

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