58 - Louder than bombs

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Nop's POV

"What do I do?! I want revenge too...if it really is Main Family's doing, I want revenge...but confronting them in this state, we won't get revenge. It will be suicide!"

Khun Macau tearfully holds Arm in panic while Khun Vegas drives the speedboat like a madman, in tears, promising that he will kill Khun Korn and all his descendants.

When we were leaving the island, some rescue boats were arriving. The coastguard must have detected the tragedy on Chumphon Island.

It was all set up to look like an accident to the TV news, but there were not one bodyguard from the Main Family there. Arm said that according to the Main Family headquarters, they were not warned about anything suspicious going on at the Island. We saw only villagers and simple guards from the factory trapped among the fire.

We were attacked by mercenaries though...the same that attacked us at the Minor Family days ago. My poor baby Venice...I can't keep my tears. I myself want to kill whoever did this using my bare hands. Also, my six brothers from the ghost team were killed too.

We are all devastated...we want revenge...but not tonight. Tonight, we mourn our loved ones...

However, we can't reason with Khun Vegas. He is more than devastated.

I'm afraid this time he has completely lost his mind.

I can't blame him.

On top of that, we don't know what happened with Pete. He was taken unconscious by that Taiwanese clan. He was in pain; he was in anger...

I think we lost him this time too.

Khun Vegas drives at high speed. In a few minutes we will arrive at the pier. At various times we thought the speedboat was going to overturn in the sea. Khun Vegas doesn't listen to anyone. He just repeats the same sentence over and over again. He will kill everyone. I don't know how he knows it was Main Family doing. Does it make sense?! Khun Korn always protected people of the island. He was specially kind with Pete's grandparents. We never know a mafia boss's true heart, though...if they have any.

"No matter what happens now, Macau...I just need you to trust me. Can you do that?!" Arm whispers to him.

Khun Macau stare him shaking, but nods. He is in a state of misery too, but because Arm is supporting him, his mind is not gone yet.

Arm and I exchange glances.

One minute to arrive.

Khun Vegas is strong and skilled.

Khun Kan ordered his two sons to be trained to be better fighters than anyone...better than their own bodyguards.

I'm not sure Arm and I will be able to subdue him...not easily for sure.

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