20 - Pernicious doubt - part 1

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Vegas' POV

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Vegas' POV

["Pete...hold my hand! I'll get you! Pete!"

This time he is not leaving me... (1)

He's just standing there, staring at me.

"..." He smiles...but his glare is disdainful.

Someone approaches him... don't tell me it's that scary nanny again...damn...doesn't she die?!

No...it's not the nanny...that shadow...

"PETE!" I call out to him again, trying to reach him, but I can't move. "No...no...you can't."

Damn it!

"NO!" ]


I wake up disturbed.


"Geez, Vegas...what's wrong with you? You look like shit! Are you sleeping in the office again? What happened? Don't tell me you and Pete had a fight...?!"

"What are you doing in my office?"

"Don't be ungrateful. I came to see if everything was ok...I heard you screaming from my office... nightmare? Do you still act like a scared little boy? At this age? Do you want a suggestion? Don't nap listening to that song you're listening to...it's so sad!"

[Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise
No one compares to you
I'm scared that you won't be waiting on the other side] (2)

"Don't be ridiculous...it's just a song. I wasn't sleeping... my eyes were just closed."

...although it pretty much portrays the fear I've been feeling since I got a video of Pete two days ago...

"Sure... about this empty bottle?!" Porsche makes a disapproving face. "What's happening? These last few days you've been weird... more than usual. Something I can help with?"

"Nothing..." I get up from the couch, adjust my suit and return to my desk. "We must do what must be done, don't we? But at what cost?!"

"Why are you having second thoughts right now?"

"If you'll excuse me...I have work to do..." Porsche sighes and leaves my office

I order Nop into my office.

"Have you found Sanya?

"Not yet, Khun Vegas...but we're looking for every escape route he could possibly have."

"Prepare my guns."

"Do you want me to prepare new targets too? Yesterday's were totally destroyed."

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