65 - Old belt and wild sex [NC18+]

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Pete's POV

"Pete..." He kisses my lips again "This is exactly what we planned."

"What...what do you mean...?!"

"I'll tell you everything..."

"Can't you tell me before fucking me?!"

"I can't!"


"Because it won't work."

"Uh?! Is this a joke?!"

"No!! You were very detailed, Pete. You told me. Vegas: bring the old belt and do it like it was the last day of our lives. I mean...maybe not with those exact words, but you said something like that. I swear."

"You are fucking kidding me."

"No! Not kidding!


"Just fucking you, Pete...how I missed being inside you...ah..."

"But...ahh...fuck...can't you stop doing it for a second...?!"

"I can't Pete! Please...relax babe...enjoy..."

"Ngh...fuck...you are too ...ah..."

I close my eyes...

Vegas moves his hips slowly...I feel him digging inside me.

"Do you like it, love...?!" Vegas kisses my forehead "...fuck...ah...please don't ever leave me again...kill me but don't leave, Pete...don't leave me."

...don't leave me...he said. Suddenly I remember talking to Vegas by phone...on a noisy night...


Pete's POV (Chumphon Island night – Chapter 57 – You brought death: new lines)

Assistant Lee got separated from me after we fended off an ambush near the beach. She is probably talking to Lian Wang now that she is alone. This is my chance to make my call too. (1)

The phone barely rings once, the call is answered.

A desperate voice speaks on the other end of the line.

["Pete! Pete! Where are you, Pete?! Are you on Chumphon Island?! Please, tell me!! God, are you hurt? That shot...that shot...are you hurt?!"]

Vegas doesn't even breathe to speak... it's even hard to understand what he's saying among the desperate speech and the crying from his side and the mess around me.

"Vegas! Listen to me...listen t..."

"God, I'm so sorry, Pete...I'm so sorry...I didn't want to let you alone, I swear! I...I can't remember what happened after Porsche shoot Prim...God...I'm so sorry...you left your ring...why!? Have you left me?!... please, please, don't leave me!"

"VEGAS, LISTEN TO ME! SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME!!" I yell at him energetically to snap him out of that panicked state. He's not in a normal state yet.

Since that time in the warehouse, I felt something was off with him... He was more agitated...emotionally unstable...confused...not his confident and cold self. When I saw his psychiatric medication on that nightstand, it made me think. Vegas would never leave me behind. This is the man that almost got killed months ago in that port to save me. (2) 

That situation made me suspect everything that happened that day.

Vegas' POV (driving to port - Chapter 57 – You brought death: new lines)

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