Side Story - Chapter 6 - Temptation

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"They are staring at you." Pete said chuckling.

Those worker's attentive eyes on me.

"It must be entertaining...shit...How am I supposed to remove the spines from this fish without a fish knife??!"

"Aren't you Asian?! Can't you eat fish like this?! This is not meant to be eaten by fork and knife, mister "raised-abroad..."

Damn...what was my father thinking when he sent me to study in western countries?! I can't survive in a typical Asian fish market restaurant without starving and having my patience almost gone.

"I should be digging in these weird dishes and taking these fish spines out effortlessly like you, Pete...but I don't think it's going to happen."

I could kill this fish if it was not already dead.

"Hey, let me help you before this restaurant's chef feels disrespected and send us out. People might think you are disgusted by this food."

They would not be that mistaken.

"Oh...absurd. I'm just trying to ..."

"Thank you."


"Thank you for trying so hard...for me..."

I can tell Pete is really happy. It makes me happy.

"I'm not trying hard, babe...I'm really enjoying our date."

"Still...maybe I could show some appreciation back." Pete's sexy face expression is just so inviting.

"..." I know exactly what he means...

"Shall we go?!" Pete pays the bill so fast.

"Hey! I'm supposed to do this..."

"It doesn't matter..." Pete pulls me by the arm. "Let's go"


"Hotel room."

When we're about to get in the car, I stop him.

"Wait." Damn...why?! why?!Why am I'm doing it to myself.

"...Vegas?!..." Pete looks at me, confused.

"Our date is not over yet..."


Pete's POV

It was so sweet of Vegas to take me to that fish market restaurant.

And then we took a romantic boat ride in the moonlight.

It was unexpected.

When we arrived at the hotel, Khun Kinn was waiting for Vegas.

As I was dressed as a woman and didn't go in with Vegas, Khun Kinn didn't notice me...

I went to my room, took a shower and waited...all prepared for our special night together.

I was so anxious to show Vegas my appreciation.

Do I smell nice enough?!

Is my skin soft enough?

Last time I wore this white see-through silk robe Vegas got really excited.

Hmm...why is he taking so long?!

I try to hear something from the shared door.

I press my ear to the shared door...but I don't hear anything.

I go back to bed.

I am going to wait.

Khun Kinn, I hate you.

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