67 - The necklace [NC18+]

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Vegas's POV

Why are you doing this to me, Pete?!...I tug on the chain attached to the leash when I push his entrance deep.

Pete's head snaps back as his neck takes the strain of the chain.

A sexy moan echoes through the room.

He tries to lean over the bed, exhausted, but I pull the chain again so he won't leave that sexy position I can devour him mercilessly.

So many nights I tried to sleep, fantasizing about being with Pete again...feeling every part of his body with my body.

Damn...! His is so sexy turning his head slightly to watch me fucking his hole non-stop...his burning gaze asks for more...his moans mean how good it is to feel my cock forcing passage to his insides...

He's sexier than before...

He's thirsty...

I put my finger inside his mouth for Pete to suck it.

I can see through his eyes he's begging to suck me...but I can't take my hard cock out of him...

...his hole can't let me go either...

It clenches every time I get inside him...

Inner walls' contractions hold me inside him...

I hit his spot with the tip of my cock.

Pete goes crazy.

"More...Vegas...don't stop...uh...ah...more..."

I press his back so he lies down on the bed.

I push his butt up high.

With my fingers, I grab his buttocks leaving red fingerprints in his white skin.

In and out...in and out...I move my hips violently.

Pete keeps asking for more...he seems in a trance.

I must give what my lover is begging to have.

This feels so amazingly good.

I can hear his pleading voice again...craving for me.

I feel like chaining him again so he won't leave me ever again...so I can fill him with hot cum until it foods from his twitching hole.

Fuck, Pete...why did you do this to me?! Why have you deprived me for so long I can't think nothing but eating you alive like this...

You've awakened the devil in me again.

I'm scared that I can't stop until you pass out.

And even so...probably I'll keep going until this heavy feeling of not having you is all gone.


Pete's POV

I feel my eyes tremble.

And my body trembling from pain.

However, a warm touch on my cheek and a gentle kiss on my eyelids soothe my suffering until it disappears.

I blink a few times before I manage to see the one I love smiling shamelessly at me.

"You were wild, babe..." He teases me cheerfully.

I frown and hide my face against his chest.

"I don't know what you are talking about" I reply annoyed.

Suddenly I feel the leash around my neck being pulled.

"Look at me..." His smooth demanding voice...a blend hard to resist...

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now