38 - Stupid girl

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Pete's POV


WHY are you here, Vegas? Do I have a tracking chip in me?

Or are you here to see another person, huh?!

Wait...be reasonable, Pete! Even though this guy Ton likes is possibly Vegas, you can't be mad at him for things that happened in the past.

Vegas was a different person. A jerk basically.

And he didn't like you back then...you were just a damn bodyguard to him.

You see... It's not a reason to be pissed.

Be reasonable Pete...be reasonable Pete...

"Do you know them, Anong?"


"You are staring at them."

"...Uh...no...I don't think so...I'm just curious to see that Thai guy you mentioned."

"That one in a light color suit is Khun Kamol and the man in red is Khun Vegas. They're both from Thai mafia families."


"I don't know those men with them...but judging by the quality of their clothes, they must be from rich mafia families as well."

"Probably." I see Macau, Tankhun and Pol enter the room right behind Vegas.

"You said that Thai guy you like is over there...which of them?!"

"He probably doesn't even remember me..."

"Yeah...probably he doesn't...I mean...It was a long time ago, right...?!"

"Not that long actually..."

You're not helping me not feeling like making you disappear, Ton...

Maybe spending so much time with Vegas is making me think like him.

"Anyway...maybe it's time for you to move on, Ton...show some self-respect, dude!"

I feel like Tankhun talking to me.

"You are right... he just walked away and never spoke to me again."


"I'm pathetic"

"Don't be so harsh on you...this guy is a jerk. He is not worth your time"

"Come on, Anong, let's offer them drinks."

"Yes...No! Why?!"

Shit...aren't you listening to me?!

"Because it's our job. You speak Thai, it will be easier."

"What do you mean?! Weren't you agreeing to let him go for good?!Like dying...for you?!"

"I have my work to do. I can pretend I've never seen him in my life. I can ignore him like he's been ignoring me all this time."

"Can't you do it from afar?!"

"No! You're giving me the courage to face him head on"

No! You got it all wrong! I'm doing the opposite, man!

In fact, you're desperate for him to notice you, right?!! You fool!

"Wait...it's not quite what I'm saying..."

"Come on, Anong! We have work to do."


It's not time for Ton to feel empowered to face his unrequited love...and drag me along.

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now