51 - High Bids

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Lian's POV

"You have 10 minutes, Lian. The other two are already sedated."

"That will be enough,Tang Yi. Xièxiè"

When the sliding glass door opens, Pete looks over at me.

His gaze is questioning but fearless.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Wang?"

"I came to see if you were all right. Don't worry. Our conversation is not being recorded. Tang Yi stopped recording it. He trusts me."

"And now?!"

I look up to the ceiling which is actually the stage floor just above where the cages will be lifted.

"You will see."

"Where's Vegas...?"

"In the room where clan records can be accessed. He and Tankhun are currently accessing the history of trades made in the chess room by the black king and red queen. We'll soon find out who issued your assassination order."

"And what about us three?!"

"Don't worry. You don't have to do anything. Just relax."

"In a cage... just in underwear?!"

"It won't take long."

"If I don't need to do anything, why did you send me here? Is it some kind of trap?"

"I was going to use you here, but we found another way to get the same result without side effects."

"Can you be clearer?"

"Your friend Arm will be more useful."

"Arm?" What have you stamped on him?"

"A technology that will allow us to access and collect the Chess Room database."

"But Vegas and Tankhun are already getting information for you."

"Not the Theerapanyakul family trades. But the composition of the White Council...among other things."

"You knew who Master Chen was."

"Just because his son was a careless idiot... and wanted to brag about it. But members of White Council are anonymous. I suspect that some of them are actually not even Taiwanese."

"Like Khun Korn and Khun Kan?!"

"You got it, Pete! That's what we're going to find out. 70% of what I earn with the organization goes to the White Council. An exploit, don't you think? Plus, they control our lives."

"Will you destroy the White Council?"

"Each one of them."

"Does that include heirs?"

"Ah! Are you worried about Vegas and Tankhun?"

"Not only about them."

"I will not touch your son."

"I won't let you touch any of them."

"Don't suffer from anticipation, Pete. I don't have the list yet. For now, don't do anything reckless."

"You want me to just be part of a show."

"It will be interesting."

"You know what?!...this isn't so different from what it once was."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Entertain you all..."

"Be more specific, Pete."

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now