48 - The Chess Room

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Pete's POV

(Three hours before chess room meeting)

["Both the black king and red queen pieces showed a sequence of numbers. By the time we found out what it was, an hour had already passed...Kamol arrived and said that those were coordinates from the Taipei map, but inverted."]

"All this trouble to give an address?!"

["Stupid Secrecy. Tell them we are not in a stupid movie."]

"My point exactly!"

["If only there was a way to get Arm inside the Chess Room...he might try to hack into the system."]

"Yeah...Oh! Assistant Lee was here while Lian Wang was talking to us. She stamped something on Arm's elbow...some nanotechnology...but didn't say what it was. And she said she would name him the white bishop.

["Stamped?!Excellent. Are they trying to recruit every member of the Minor Family to their clan?"]

"Wait a minute! Do you already consider Arm a member of our family?! Hey Arm! Vegas said..."

["Pete, don't!!"]

"But you said..."

["You heard wrong...I didn't say anything."]

"But I'm sure you..."

["PETE. DON'T." (in English)]

"Okay, okay. You don't have to speak in this scaring tone! We have three hours until the meeting. We better not talk until then. You know what you're going to do there, right? In the meantime, we'll break through Tang Yi's office."]

["Get what you need and get out before he returns. You hear me?!Don't do anything that can put you in danger, Pete."]

"You either! Don't try anything reckless, Vegas! You will be alone with Khun Noo.

["Each of us can take one bodyguard inside."]

"You only have Job that you can trust."

["Actually, Macau has been whining the whole afternoon until I agree to take him with me."]

"I'm surprised you've agreed! I don't know if it is a good idea."

["Well, I don't have a choice. It must be someone I can trust. Job will enter as my bodyguard, and Macau with Tankhun. Macau will keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't do stupid things."]

"But they know Macau is your brother."

["Kamol said this is not a problem. His father told him mafia families usually take someone of the clan to escort the main guest. Besides, I will never let anything happen to Macau. I'll sacrifice Tankhun first. He might be useful for something."]

"For Buddha's sake, don't say such a thing, Vegas. Just behave, and everything will be fine."

["Don't worry. I know what to do. I've been in a lot of important meetings with mobsters before, Pete. Sometimes you forget that."]

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now