49 - The Queen Position

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Macaus' POV

After passing through the last gate, we get inside the Chess room.

It looks like a fancy Casino-bar.

Well-dressed guests drinking, eating, playing and, according to Jade, making all kinds of business. The Asian mafia elite.

"No way I'm your damn Queen." Cousin vociferates to my brother Vegas.

"According to Jade, you are." Bother shrugs.

"..." Tankhun turns to Jade with withering eyes.

"Hey, don't blame me! This is what the machine says."

"It must be broken."

"There's nothing wrong with our system, Tankhun. Blame your parents." Jade replies to cousin while, offering a glass of champagne to me and Pol, that refuses.

"Thank you, but I don't drink in service, sir." Pol says politely.

"Relax, honey...we don't allow any sort of trouble inside the Chess Room" Jade touches Pol's shoulder and winks at him.

"Hey, get your filthy fingers off my bodyguard... you bitch won't take what is mine like these two miserable brothers."

Tankhun looks angrily to me and my brother, then motion his finger to Jade to move from Pol's side.

Pol smiles embarrassed.

"Alright...alright...you are not in a good mood tonight, Tankhun...seems you cherish this one..." Jade steps back, smiling wryly.

"Huh!" Tankhun pulls Pol to our side and turns his back to Jade.

I pull the hem of Pol's suit and whisper to him.

"I think that was a confession, Pol."

"Do you think so?!No...really?!?!" Pol covers his mouth when brother Vegas turns to look at us, suspiciously.

Tankhun is busy complaining about his Queen position to Jade again.

"Finally! I thought you would not make it!" Kamol approaches us. "Why did you take so long?!"

"Cousin made Jade check entrance registration a hundred times." I replied to him.

"Why?" Kamol looks at us, puzzled.

"Tankhun can't accept he is my queen and owes me obedience." Brother teases cousin. "Now, Tankhun...be a good queen and get in front of me, will you?!"

"W-Why?!" Taknhun asks, puzzled.

"To be my human shield, of course...finally you found yourself a use."

Tankhun shows him his middle finger.

"Interesting...if Tankhun is your queen, that makes Pete your mistress in the Chess Room, Vegas?!" Jade teases my brother, while offers him a glass of champagne.

"Why not?!" Hia holds the glass and speaks nonchalantly. "It's the queen that dies for the king, isn't it?!" He glances to Tankhun. "Why would I risk Pete in that position."

Cousin Tankhun is not sure if he should appreciate brother Vegas' concern towards Pete or frown to the fact my brother doesn't care about cousin's well-being at all.

"I'm sure Pete would not allow anyone take the role of protecting you, Vegas." A voice speaks behind us. "...even if he dies trying."

This is Lian Wang again smiling maliciously at my brother.

Before my brother can reply, Tankhun gets in the middle of both, pointing his finger at the guy's face.

"Is this a threat? Huh? Is this a threat? Huh?!Huh?!" Cousin looks terrifyingly dangerous. Some people around look at us.

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now