Im back- explanation and announcement

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Hi guys!

It's been a while since I updated this book and probably seemed quite random seeing as there is only one chapter left so I'm here to explain why.

Over my summer holidays I developed extreme anemia. I've had to go through blood tests and doctors appointments constantly and still do things I have to do like the recent return to school.

I'm now on iron medication but I'm still passing out and collapsing regularly but I hope that I'm slowly getting better.

Yesterday I almost finished the writing of the last chapter so I hope to finish it today or tomorrow for you. Im trying to make it the best I can so I'm going to spend this evening on it for sure.

I'm sorry that I just disappeared from the face of the earth but I'm happy to be back in my little writing corner.

See you soon for the last chapter of hell

Lots of love

~ Author C

Talking to myself- YeonBinWhere stories live. Discover now